
Dreams???? know what mine means????

by  |  earlier

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i will tell what i remember. i was older maybe 16 and i was lost walking around on the side of roads looking at streetlights and some trucker was trying to get me in his truck but i ran off and went into a corner store then seeing more 18 wheelers then i remember going into this place with my school cafeteria having a wrestling ring as a regular stage with all my friends lined up to go on it for speeches but i found this female wrestler and told her things while crying but most of it wasn't about being lost and she told me to go on stage but instead of asking for help i sang this sad slow song called hello from evanescence as if it were a rock rock song like metallica and i only remember singing the high note that i have trouble singing then my dream ended with everyone cheering. what does it mean????




  1. i don't really think that this dream have a message sent to you bya  way. plus, dreams usually doesn't happen in real.

  2. Well it sounds like you are really seeking attention. You are an aspiring singer. You are unhappy at home. You are afraid of people with strong characters intimidating you. But once you broke out of your shell and expressed yourself in song people loved you. It sounds like you need to pursue a musical career.

  3. dreams can sometimes mean nothing but all this random stuff you have in your mind! i've had one were i was holding a baby in the rain in front of a bowling alley/ stripper club. trust me sometimes our mind needs to think things out and refocus on the day we just had.

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