
Dreams of dead no voice?

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What does it mean?After talking to several people I found out that alot of people have dreams of deceased loved ones and the thing we all have in common is...the ones that have passed never speak to us.We can never hear their voice but somehow we know what they are trying to say or express without speaking.Does this mean anything?Is there a meaning?




  1. i think that's because we think of those who have passed on as people we love, cherish, or look up to. they give us subconcious advice because there's a connection to them from life; it's like you know them so well that they bring you calm and relief without having to say a word

  2. i think were just remebering them, but in the dream we no they are dead, and we no if people are dead they cant talk. so that maybe the reason that they dont talk in the dreams. bcuz even tho were dreaming we no thats not possible....hmmmm confusing....

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