well, i didn't have this dream, this isn't about me.i felt like asking this question though, for my brother. i heard this story about a week ago when we were doing this 'ghost hunting' night at my gramma's house. he told us of a dream he had once, and it possible could have been linked to his other life, what do you think?
ok, so it started like this. in his dream, he was completely naked, standing in line with a bunch of other naked guys (not to be taken as something gayy), in one of them n**i concentration camps. there was people lined up and the germans were shooting people. so he pretened he was dead, and was in this hole i think..but all these dead people were all over him, and he had to dig his way through. he wanted to live, and since the germans were shooting everyone they thought whoever was behind them was already dead, he snuck out. he grabbed one of the germans by the neck...then a whole bunch of people just began shooting at him....and i think thats how it ended. im guessing he died or something.
could this be his past life perhaps? btw, we DO have jewish blood in us