
Dreams of the past?

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what causes us to dream of the past? Of people, places, or even events that had occurred years ago? I woke up this morning and was a little disturbed by a dream I had that pretty much re-lived a break-up with someone that occurred more than 8 years ago...I do not ever see or hear of this person and haven't for over 6 years...why would I have a dream like this?...




  1. maybe there's a meaning for that.. just wait..

  2. You need to sever those unholy ties with this person.

    Ask for forgiveness and then forgive yourself. Then pray for this persons salvation and release them to God in Jesus name. If this dream keeps reoccurring after that. Tell Satan that you gave it to God in Jesus name.

  3. We are the product of past,existing in the present and dreaming of past as future,the eons of experience is governing us.

  4. you probz will meet this person i no its random but you say this cos same thing happened to me and it was really random seeing that person.... :)

  5. Sometimes we can let go of the past but the subconscious mind never forgets. You may have been in a very relaxed state that opened your subconscious to the present or even the could be a sign of things to come so you are warning yourself to keep your guard up and try to not make the same mistakes....of it could have just been a dream....who can interpret these things? I'd would look at your present and try to read between the lines. Good Luck...Namaste

  6. your dreams tell you must remember someone already forgotten. We are dreaming because we're in deep sleep.

  7. Sometimes in tradition it is said that when we have dreams about someone from our past (and for the purposes of this interpretation we'll say, who still is alive - b/c this can happen with freshly deceased souls) they are popping up in our dream to let us know that they are either:

    A. Thinking of us, and contemplating initiating contact again.

    B. They are doing well, and b/c you were once so connected to them in the past, you are not completely severed emotionally & spiritually, and so can still feel that person's successes & on the flip side of that we get C...

    C. They are in trouble & need your counsel.

    If you are a bit of a mystic you would understand that this dream is advising you to make a decision - to contact or not contact this person, to engage them in your life again, or to keep them out forever.

    From the psychological perspective:

    This person must have been important to you, otherwise your subconscious wouldn't keep bringing them into your mind (but if this is the very first dream you've had of this person, and you don't ever think of this person - you might want to go back to the mystic's interpretation).

    Something in your waking life may have triggered you to think of this person as well. This could be anything. A sight, a sound, a smell, even a taste or feeling. A song. A certain comment made by someone. Anything could have triggered you to think of this person subconsciously, which would then transfer into your dreams.

  8. lol yes! i read your question and i thought that is exactly what i want to know!

    yeah i deffinitly believe in patterns, i believe when we have deja-vu's we are on the right track, they show us that what we are doing was ment to happen perhaps? Our dreams might tell us what is ment to happen and sometimes i think they tell us supressed desires and fears from our subconcious.

    But it is really interesting, like why do past partners come up? Sometimes i think what we dream is really things in our sub-concious common up, like thoughts we have thought about a long time ago and surpressed them into our subconcous that can come out in our dreams.

    Another belief, i think it might be by the native indians, im not too sure, is that our dreams are real, they are our soul out living a life of its own lol - thats a cool belief but im not sure what i believe either but i like hearing others opinons and think its really heaps fascinating!
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