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Throughout my life I've had dreams where something would happen, then later, usually at least a few months, the exact same thing will happen (usually minor things like a convo) 1st, i wouldnt realize this untill later. Recently, I realize it's going on right in the middle, and I find that people say the same thing they did in the dream, are dressed the same,etc.

What do you make of this...




  1. I find that you have found something interesting about this dream.  Either your brain has secured it as a response to a common stimulus, or your subconcious finds something interesting about the occasion.  It's probably either the stimulus idea, or you're just having deja vu by entering a state of lucid dreaming (becoming concious during a dream).

  2. Everyone has dreams that resemble something that happens later. Although I have no data on which to base this assumption, I would lump this sort of thing in with deja vu. As in its due to a certain state of mind where a person "remembers" things as they happen, making it seem as if you've seen it all before. As such, I would think it's more of a way to perceive what's happening more so than a way of recalling that which has already been experienced. But this is just speculation.

  3. Do you write these dreams down before hand? If you do that you might be on to something amazing.

    However, the way it sounds is that your mind is recording events out of order, so after the conversation, or even during the conversion you are recalling something as both a memory and a current event. Since you can not connect the memory to any other events, you attribute it to a stand alone dream. In fact, the dream never happened. This is very similar, probably the same thing as De Jevue.

    On the other hand, if you can write down your dreams right after they happen, in as much detail as you can, and then have this experience, you can prove me wrong.

  4. I get that to sometimes, you have a gift. Don't let it bother you in anyway or  torture you. I used to have dreams about the end of the world. Unfortunately they are happening around this time.

  5. You are dreaming the future.  I also am able to do this from time to time and it is usually a conversation, image, sound, smell, etc that only lasts for a couple of seconds.  Originally I chalked this up to self fulfilling prophecies (my mind identifies and makes me believe that I have seen it before) but there have been several instances where I will finish someone though or say "the phone is about to ring" and even told someone to step to their left since they were about to be hit by something and had a rock, kicked up by a passing car, fly past their shoulder RIGHT WHERE THEY WERE STANDING IN MY DREAM!  With that sort of accuracy, there is no way it's coincidence, deja vu or mind tricks.

    The problem is that I cannot dream the future on command or even pick what things I would like to dream about, so it's not as nice as it could be or easily proven to sceptics.  On top of that, they are more like commercials during the regular dreams.

  6. Sounds like deja vu all over again...........
You're reading: Dreams?????????

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