
Dreams:( ?

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I keep having dreams that people are dying, First i had a dream about my mum being in a car crash and dying then it was this boy from my school. :(

Im getting worried. What does it mean?




  1. ask a spiritual exppert.sometimes dreams do relate to some future events.

  2. I had this book that explains stuff like this but i cant find it so i'll just tell you what i think. I think your overworried and stressed in your life. Try to relax and say "everythings going to be ok"

  3. You might have an unconscious fear of losing people you love.

    You might be afraid of being left behind.

    How did you feel in the dream and when you woke up? Anxious? Frightened? Sad?

  4. Don't worry. You're stressed and worried about something. Have a look around you, is there something that could be subconsciousley worrying you?

  5. It's probablly nothing. I had loads of dreams that my parents were going to drown and everything is fine. I think its probablly that because you are young you are worried about things and people close to you. So your worried that your parents are gong to die. It's nothing to worry about its just a phase that everyone goes through x

    hope this helps


  6. that usually means that it is something that will happen in the future...but those mite not mean anything....ask a doctor or something

  7. it means you need to relax.

    it sounds like you worry about alot of things.

    sit down and have a nice relaxing chat with you friends and family. go out to lunch with them. take time off from activities.

  8. First off, it could be that something around you (a show you're watching/watched, something some has said, etcetera) is causing you to have these bad dreams. A lot of people relate their surroundings around them and their daily lives into what their dreams.

    Example: Your mom tells you that your cat is sick, and that night you have a dream that your cat dies.

    A less likely answer would be that you're experiencing Dream Precognitions. What this means is that your actually dreaming about the future. I'm not sure how it work, or why, but I use to do this when I was younger. In fact, it started two or three weeks before my cousin died, who I had dreamed would. As I got older though, I stopped dreaming all today, and instead started seeing auroras (and not the lights around the polar regions), but that's a whole different ball game. I know that probably sounds stupid to you, but if you looked on the web, I'm sure you would find loads of information on it. (Be careful though; a bunch of it is a load of c**p.)

    More than likely though, it's probably just something you watched or heard that is making you dream this way.

    Good luck.

  9. Sometimes death dreams or visions can seem scary, but on the contrary. They can represent a new begining, like starting over. Rebirth, if you will.

  10. It could mean 2 things from a Christian point of view,


    a) God is using you to prophesy about upcoming events so you can prevent them,


    B) it's just a dream that you are having and you will soon forget about it.


  12. If you have alot of stress or anxiety in your life, you may have bad dreams. ALso if you are eating certain foods right before you go to bed will also cause bad dreams. Im sure you mum will be fine. If it happens for an extended period of time a pshyciatrist might help, but im sure its not that bad of a case

  13. get professional help and i do not mean a dream doctor

    there could me more behind this if is a recurring dream

  14. it probally means that there is something in your life that you are worried about, this makes you uncomfortable while your asleep and your brain is trying to tell you that you need to worry less about things. try not reading/watching violent movies/books. If you countinue having these dreams there are dream/sleep clinics you can attend, made to help. Hope this helps.

  15. it doesnt mean anything, thank God its just a dream.

  16. maybe you have anxieties or have experienced death in your life that has affected you

  17. I had the same thing happen to me - had these awful dreams of people i know dying sometimes i would wake up in tears - so i did some research. And the consens I found among dream interpretations is that it translates an end to something in your life or a transition. Are you graduating school, moving, etc etc. I wouldn't worry about it because the more you obsess about it the more it will plant in your unconcious and the more death dreams you are likely to have. sweet dreams tonight!

  18. we all have nightmare's. Try getting yourself a dream catcher. I know it souns strange, and I don't beleive in those kind of things, but ever since my nan brought me back one from Asia I don't hardly ever have bad dreams anymore.

  19. death and dying often signifies a new beginning in life... some new possibilities on the horizon?

  20. it does not mean anything

    I have dreams like that sometimes. usually when i am really tired or just having a down day

    i also often dream that it is me dying and wake up gasping for breathe.

    Don't read too much into it

  21. Dont worry, your gonna be okay. It might be just a spin-off from some stress, maybe your mad at your mother from something long ago or that boy at school. I cant garenty anything. But your gonna be ok.

    Or try a site that worked for me:

  22. maybe your like physic or something (:

  23. it could mean there is or was somthing in there life they want or have change and if they die in you dream tiey have done what th want successfully

  24. Dreams are a product of your fears.

  25. Death

    To dream about the death of a loved one, suggests that you are lacking a certain aspect or quality that the loved one embodies. Ask yourself what makes this person special or what do you like about him. It is that very quality that you are lacking in your own relationship or circumstances. Alternatively, it indicates that whatever that person represents has no part in your own life.


    To see someone dying in your dream, signifies that your feelings for that person are dead or that a significant change/loss is occurring in your relationship with that person. Alternatively, you may want to repress that aspect of yourself that is represented by the dying person.

  26. Don't worry all my life I've had INSANE dreams! Especially of my family, I love them so much and had dreams that something really bad would happen to them. Usually I have the craziest dreams when my life is changing in some way. Any changes in your life? Or any of your families lives? Have you been stresssed lately? Dreams are not predictions. don't take them too seriously. :)

  27. I also have a simular problem. I sometimes have dream that i die in the electric chair, because im scared of electricity. And also sometimes my family burning in fire. Im also scared of fire. So sometimes your fears become your dreams or night mares. So its completley normal. Maybe you have a fear of car crashes.

  28. when someone dies in a dream it means they r healthy in real life... its a good thing when someone dies in a dream.. so ur mom is even healthier than she was..

  29. they dont really mean anything hunn chill and everything will be fine.there only dreams and theres no chance anything will happen that youve dreamed just think of all the other dreams uv had b4.have they come true?youll be fine hunnie.

  30. I have been through that and it still happens sometimes.

    After researching I found out that dreams such as these are actually fears that we have deep down inside....

    We are actually afraid of something ever happening to those we love, do the dreams actually mean anything? No they do not they are just a way our mind deals with fears.

    Hope that helps,

    I also read that before bed think of pleasant thoughts, things that make you happy, believe it or not it works.

    take care

  31. that your weird
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