
Dreams what does this dream mean?

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I had this dream a couple months ago and I still remember it . I was looking at the sky but it was almost like I was in the sky. the sky was blue with white clouds , but infront of me was this big astrology chart and it had lines on it that made certain shapes it almost looked like a star but the lines worent that vivid, but then on the out side of the chart there were animals but at diffrent parts in the chart. there was a dove and a lamb and a rabbit and an otter. and the animals were the colors that they would be in real life. the chart was purple. but not solid purple just the lines that made up the chart and I could see the sky in the back ground. what does this mean. cause I normally able to some what understand most of my dreams but this one I haven't benable to figure out at all.




  1. I think this will help clear things up for you tremendously!*!*!* Go to and type in some of your symbols in the dream like the otter, rabbit, astrology chart, purple, sky, lamb, and the dove. then take all of your results, put them together, and figure out with the results. its really alot more simpler than it sounds. whenever i have a crazy dream (well more crazy then usual i have weird crazy dreams.) i go there and it helps alot. also since u were possibly in the sky, were u falling, or Flying? if u were, then also go to the Common Dreams section and look at the section for falling dreams or the section for flying dreams. I hope i helped you and i hope your dream means something good and not something bad. Much Luv and Luck!!! Namaste, Maika Lily

  2. Umm, well I think this is really interesting because it sounds like you might have dreamt about the chinese signs.

  3. It means it will rain fish tomorrow.

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