
Dreams where you feel like you falling then wake up??

by  |  earlier

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i have dreams a lot where i fall and it feels like I'm falling and when i wake up i feel i i just feel on my bed i was like a huge jolt what causes these like can you not breath or something.




  1. my boyfriend told me it had to deal with nerves in your brain or something. i hate it though. i like sleepin' :P

  2. according to my psychology professor that means you either entering or waking up from a very deep sleep cycle. it's normal.

  3. oh my god

    its happened to me soo many times!

    except I don't now what your talking about with the breath thing. I have dreams where I'm sky diving or being pushed off mount kilimanjauro haha its so weird I know but at least I know I'm not the only one phew!

    I have the dream and like right before Im about to hit something I wake up with a heavy heart beat and I'm sweaty and its gross and weird

    sorry I was no help bye good luck

  4. We have all had that experience. We wake when we hit, if we don't we die.

  5. That happens to me all the time, usually in school. So i gasp really loud and twitch in my seat, it's really embarrassing.

    One time i woke up (at home) and my head was bleeding and i was on the floor; I fell out of bed.

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