It was about 3 days ago, I dreamt I went down a very long rabbit hole, Then when I got to the end I met the Vajrasattva (Buddha of purification) he had a Vajra in one hand and a bell in the other also to his right was an identical Buddha except he was only 2 foot tall. The Larger buddha showed me a book with blank pages then on one page was a drawing of a mans face he pointed to it and said "Rimsky" then pointed to me, i then sat with them silently for a little while before I woke up. I felt so peaceful and calm during the whole dream, more so then i ever have in my life and ever since i've been in a really good mood. I googled "Rimsky" and found a Russian composer of the same name and lisened to his music which i really enjoy but i'm still unsure what the dream meant. Do you have any Ideas what it all means?, if anything?