
Dreamweaver question about pages upload

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(Asking again because I need more assistance)

I am really new to dreamweaver (Macromedia Dreamweaver 8) and I have walked myself through a lot of it. I have created several pages, and they all link together nicely when I load them through FTP to the website. The problem is the page loaded to the actual www. website doesn't fully look like the page I created. When I preview in the browser it looks perfect. But the uploaded page is missing blocks and squares that I had over the links, and some images.

Please -- what am I doing wrong and how do I change it so when I upload the page to the FTP and "publish it" that it will look like it does in the browser preview function.

If it matters I used a "Starter Page" for a guide to get me started. This is a website for a church group so I want it to look nice.




  1. Make sure that you are also uploading all related files. it sounds like your images were not uploaded.

  2. it would help if you gave us the web address to site that is not looking right... but my guess is that your upload did not include all the graphics/files used to render the page properly.

    during the upload process, dreamweaver is probably asking you if it should upload all related files/graphics... and you may be telling it not to, when you should be allowing it.

    you can still fix this by "synchronizing" files from your local folder to your site folder.

  3. You need to be aware that not all browsers will render the page the same. You need to test it in as many different browsers as you can before you upload to the remote server. It does sound like you have images missing, make sure all dependent files are uploaded.  

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