I had a dream 2 weeks ago. I believe it contains meaning.
A small field of glittering soil, it was neatly surrounded by a frame. It was not brown but shinny gold. Glittering by itself, very beautiful. Then came a voice, saying : " I will let whatever you see from here to come true." Then I did see something wonderful which I would not go into detail.
I woke up in the middle of night, trying to figure out the dream and the voice inside the dream. King Solomon came across my mind.
Recently, I had dreams which seem to be messages of some sort. I do believe that an unanalysed dream is like an unopened letter. Since there is a letter, there must be a sender.
Anyone of you have the required knowledge, please respond and especially those who understand the stories of Jacob and King Solomon in the bible.
My life recently is rather stressful. Under such a stressful condition, I had a dream which is rather relax in nature. I do not understand.