
Dress policy in your school? Going too far?

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I graduated high school 4 years ago. I was sent home my senior year to change my tank top b.c. it showed ''too much''. Ok, I can see where they were coming from. However, I watch a 6 yr old little girl and she was embarassed in front of a school award ceremony b.c. she wore a tank top that was ''short'' and ''revealing''. The only reason the mother found out was b.c. her friend was at the award show and told her what happened. The mother called the principle (who did the embarassing stint) and he wasn't avail. So she went in today and talked to the super intend. and he contacted the principle. They all apologized and said she was fine with the tank top and it was taken too far.

The little girl is now afraid to wear anything to school other than a regular shirt and pants or very long shorts. She cried all last night about it and today she was still upset.

Do you think the schools have taken the 'dress code' too far??

Especially with younger children who have no 'intent'??




  1. Yes they way the situation was handled was inappropriate. But why send her in clothing too small anyways. The parent embarrassed their child. I am an elementary teacher, and regardless of their development, there are appropriate and inappropriate clothing options. If you want your child's midriff exposed, take her to the beach. Even at a young age, it is distracting. And if she were having an award ceremony, I'd think you'd dress her up!? Why weren't the parents at the award ceremony?

    I think this is why uniforms should be mandatory, for the "tacky" people who have absolutely no idea how to dress their child for school.

    AS for the 20 day rule..

    uhm if you are in a coma you shouldn't be passed onto the next grade level, you MISSED the learning objectives, you should have to repeat. Same thing goes for "skipping" or any excuse really, unless you were able to keep up with the work load, than being passed may be an option.

    Kids just want to get by with barely any effort, and it's only hurting them. For example..had you not missed class you'd know the difference between principle, and principal.

  2. Well if the school doesn't have a dress code then they should.  As a parent of a 4th grader I always see little girls the first week of school wearing stuff that is far from age appropriate.  It doesn't matter if people feel it's not sending a message because of their age.  Well I guess they know for sure that there are no s*x offenders in their neighborhood.  On top of it, the little grade school girls wearing the inappropriate clothing also seem to have moms that dress the same way, nothing like starting them young.  I understand times change, but these girls didn't buy their own clothes their parents did, and if the moms want their daughters to look like little tramps then thats up to them.  Now granted maybe the principal was inapropriate, and maybe he should have saved the comments for the girls mom.  In grade school girls are not supposed to be wearing stuff a 16 or 17 year old would wear out on Friday night.  I'm glad I have a boy!

  3. If theres no dress code, then thats not very logical. But as things go now-a-days, school rules overrule the constitution...So yes, I believe that'd be going too far, but there are people who actually should be sent home, as young people are wearing less and less now-a-days.

    But in this case, I'd say that'd be going too far.

  4. that is too far the poor girl and the 20 days i would be gone already i would go  back to 8 th grade if i was in that school

  5. Uhm..we don't have much of a dress code in my school since we wear uniform, but our "free dress" dress code is: No midriffs, tube tops, halters, belly button tops, skirts/shorts can be no more than 2 inches above the knee, no hoop earings, no nail polish, only the 7th and 8th graders can wear light makeup and thats pretty much it. And how "reavealing" and short was the girls top? If it could show some of the skin on her stomach, I would consider it too short. And about reavealing? Was it low? Was it see-through even the tiniest bit? Well its kinds ridiculous itself that there is no dress code, let alone enforcing the fake dress code that doesn't exist. I think that the school even if the tank top was too short or reavealing should talk to the mom because I know a 6 year old would not want to wear something that was potentially considered "s**y".

  6. But...the little girl was embarrassed.  I'm not following how the school imposed anything on her...

  7. Personally, I am pretty pi**ed at my school.  They have taken the dress code too far, and everybody wears pants in the burning heat of 90 degree summers because we are afraid of getting detentions.  The teachers treat us like dogs, we have to walk in straight lines, we cant use the bathroom between classes, the list goes on and on and on!  All of us complain about it, and once me and my friend asked our teacher what was next, army suits or metal, meaning being treated like soldiers or robots.  Our favorite teacher (ALL OF THE SIXTH GRADERS) doesnt make us walk in lines, he treats us like people.  I can see why they dont want us wearing clothes too skimpy, but really, yell at the ppl whos clothes are too short, not the ppl who are just wearing regular shorts!  Because we have started being a bit rebellious, they are making us wear uniforms!  They tell us we dont have any rights, than they say that it is our right to learn!  As if they dont lecture us half the class period about being uncontrollable and loud!  We are kids and it is almost summer, cant they open the window?  Its all we want.  I cant wait for the summer, mostly becuase I cant wait to get out of that crappy little school.

  8. I do not know about your situation, it sounds like they might have gone a little far.  Maybe your daughter was paying the price for what some other parent was upset about.

    Our local schools here...even the public ones all have a uniform now because the way that kids dressed was out of hand.  Boys with their boxers hanging out and pants down around the bottom of their butts.  High school girls in midrifts and skirts and shorts way too short.  It was disgusting.  A couple of years ago the county passed the new uniform code.  Everyone wears the same exact thing to school.  Not only did it help 100% with the dress code violations, but now parents do not have to do the $150 jeans and $80 shirt and $200 shoes ordeal at the beginning of the year...they are not allowed to wear that stuff to school anyway. The kids that are poor and who cannot afford things, look just like everyone else, there is no difference.  It is just so much better.  I think it is the song says...You go to school to learn, not for a fashion show!

  9. Since their was no written dress code, this is an issue, parents should exercise common sense of course, but embarrassing a little girl like that is unnecessary. We had a dress code at my school, which was okay, except, it wasn't enforced for the popular kids, of course. We had about 1000 kids in each grade, but everyone knew everyone else. We use to have a Asst. Principal, we called her the clothes n**i, her name was Ms. Witcher (pronounced Witch-er) I bet you can guess what we called her.

    I think in this case, it was taken too far. I support school uniform, even in public school for this reason, that way there is no leeway, all the skirts and shirts are a certain way and a certain length.

  10. i think its going to far. i mean little girls that old dont think " im going to show off my bbos and *** today" they dont even have any!!!!  i understnad if parents send them in like bandaid skirts and hooker boots its diff....

    and im in highschool. my school rule is onlu 10 days. i have a heart condition. they tried to drop me from ALL my classes with 30 - days of school left. im passing allll my classes. but i fought it. schools are going to far with stupid things.

  11. I think scools have gone too far with dress codes. somethings make sense but if there is no harm in what she was wereing AND there was no written dress code they just need to shutup. it was a special day for her and that is horrible that they did that to her. i am 11 and i know if that happened to me i woukd cry my eyes out and be emmbarest beyond belief. we have the same dress codes as above and i think those are completly sensable but thats just my opinion.

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