
Dressage in the uk? please help?

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ok so i wanna start to do dressage, im not that experienced so i just wanna start basic with the simple tests where you just do you 20m circles ect. iv tryed stuff out with my horse and she seems to know leg yields and she can do flying changes, she also extends or collects when i ask her to but i dont wanna do anythin like that in a comp yet because im not that confident. iv only ever done shows with classes such as working hunter ect so i wanna know how i start to do dressage, iv looked around but the comps are all seperated into diff stages of dressage i dont know what stage im at?!!?! im just so confused with it all but once we do one i think my pony will do really well. can any of you give me tips such as what the judges expect, how i can get into it easy and then carry it on and what goes on at dressage comps?! also do i have to wear anything different all iv got it a normal shirt with navy jacket and cream jods with long black knee boots. can i wear this for dressage if not what do i wear? do i have to get any special tack for my horse and do they not allow certain tack or bits? please help!! sorry theres alot of questions!! and thanks to anyone who answers!




  1. you might want to invst in some dressage letters to practice in the ring at home.  also, attend some schooling shows or fun shows to watch/participate in some dressage tests there.  I did a dressage test and they give you a score sheet, everything is out of 10. i got mostly 5-8 on most, but my horse didn't behave.  also, leanr some patterns to practice ( I'm sure there are sites, but  Ican't find them!) and look into local shows.

    what you have to wear is fine! just check and see whether you have to wear a top hat or a helmet, it depends on the judge...the bit's also depend on the judge, if he/she has a free momement, just go and ask if your bit is allowed.  I almost got cut from placing cause I had a rubber coated bit ! so just look into that stuff, and I'll try to find some show pattern sites since I just had my 4-H horse show ( I had 4 pattern papers). you can e-mail me with more questions

    Good luck, n have fun  

  2. I would go and watch one or two dressage competitions in your area. Where abouts in the UK are you? I can point you in the direction of a few good ones in the North East.

    I would start off entering your pony in prelim - this is the most basic level of test and involves circles, figures of eights etc and other simple movements. The judges look for acceptance of the bridle, working in an outline,  submission, working on the bit, rider's seat and effectiveness of their aids, as well as the overall "picture". Feel free to email me and I can elaborate.

    You get marked out of 10 for each movement you do, 0 being not performed, 1 being very poor through to 10 which is excellent. You are also marked. Different parts of the test are worth more (such as free walk). The best thing to do is to go along to one before you take your pony, and when you do take your pony just don't worry about being placed or anything - just get a nice test out of him. Attire for dressage is long boots (or short boots and gaiters), cream/white jods (canary and champagne are acceptable too), black/navy jacket (so long as it matches your hat), gloves, and either a shirt and tie or a shirt and stock. Personally I prefer a shirt and stock for dressage, I believe it's more correct.

    Certain bits and items of tack are restricted, it'd be better if you said what tack/bit your horse wore and I'd tell you if they are acceptable. Boots/bandages are a definate no-no, as are martingales. Breastplates are usually acceptable. At unaffiliated level you may find the rules vary a little. Anyway, if I can help you any more just email me!!

    Here's my TBx at his first ever dressage a while ago, this was about the only time he had most of his feet on the ground!!!! His test sheet said something like "an exuberant performance" which translated to "bucked at X, bronced at C" lol!

    Here's my friend at the same competition -

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