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In dressage shows, is there a certain level when you require a double bridle or a dressage saddle? Please use correct spelling.




  1. Yu don't need a double bridle to upper levels.

  2. You dont need a double bridle until you are up in the levels with proffessionals. You can use any english saddle.

  3. "Please use correct spelling."

    That's fantastic...I can't stop laughing!

  4. The beginning dressage rider should use a proper dressage saddle. The clues given with legs, hips and body weight do not come across as well with a Western saddle, neither is the correct posture encouraged.

    If by 'double bridle', you mean dual reins (actually 4 reins, 2 on each side) and a corresponding bit, you can forget about that until you get a LOT of the basics down.

    Use a gentle snaffle bit, and always go easy on the horses' mouth. Your presence should be felt, but should not be intrusive.

    Don't pull on the reins, neither let them hang down.

    Maintain a VERY gentle 'presence' in the horses' mouth, letting her know that you're 'there'.

    With the slightest tightening of the hands, you then invite the horses' attention to your next command.

    Hope this helped.
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