
Drifting Away From My Best Guy Friend?

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I feel like I'm drifting away from my best guy friend. We were really close last year, but over the summer, we just stopped talking. I don't know what it was, I guess we were just mixed up with our own schedules. I would try talking to him and messaging him but he would read the messages and never reply. The school year has started, and he hasn't said a word to me yet. I had to say hi to him for me to get him to even talk, and all he did was wave. I'm crying over this, he's a really good friend but I can't have a friend who ignores me non-stop. I already told him about this, he said he was really sorry, but he's doing it again. He talks to all of his other friends but its like I don't even exist. He's hurting me and doesn't even know it. Please help me, I don't want to lose him




  1. look i know that you don't want to loose him as a friend but friends do eventuall go their seperate ways. You can't force him to talk to you or be friends with you, and if you keep tellin him about it, he wil just get annoyed with you. My advice is just stay ok friends w/ him. Don't go out of your way to talk to him, but still be cool with him. There are other people that are just as good as friends as he his, so take this oppurtunity to meet new people and make new friends.

  2. I had a friend like this. Acutally..all I did was call his house instead of cell so he had to talk and couldn't push ignore. I apologized for something ( I didnt know what) and he said it was okay and I was forgiven. Or call him and say... movie night my house 7 o' clock you better be there.

    Worked both ways for me

    Good luck!


  3. well if he still doesn't stop.

    i know this advice might not be good but anyway

    confront him alone go to his house, single him out and ask him whats up with him lately??!! and if he answers obniouxly or even if he doesn't tell him you don't want to lose a friend whos been so great, you could add he's hurting you. but if you do don't make it sound clingy and desperate.

    best of luck :)

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