
Drifting apart from my BFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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I started high school two days ago, and I kind of feel like one of my best friends and I are drifting apart. We haven't seen eachother all summer, and we only have 2 classes together. She hasn't really seemed to worried about us not being together, and I don't want to sound clingy but it's sad! How can I stay close to her (without being clingy) while doing my own thing as well.

P.S. she has no problem doing things with other people. But I still go to her very first whenever I have something I want to do. I'M TOO CLINGY BUT I STILL WANT US TO BE FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!




  1. I think throughout highschool some relationships sort of drift apart and then come back together...

    Have you tried talking to her about the situation? Maybe tell her "we used to be so close and now I feel like we are drifting apart." and see what she says?

    Are you both involved in the same activities? Have the same interests? Same group of friends?

    I went through the same thing in high school with my best friend (i had known her since 1st grade). it was sort of a weird time and we were interested in different things... we worked through it and to this day she is one of the only people I still talk to from high school (i'm 27)...  

  2. try to find other friends


  4. This will give you a good chance to be friends with other people too. And you can always hang with her outside of school.

  5. If she's your best friend then you should feel comfortable explaining to her how you feel. You can tell her without sounding clingy/pathetic. Just say that it sucks how you don't get to see each other anymore. Make plans to hang out and go from there. Branch out and make new friends also-classes that your best friend isn't in provide tons of opportunities to meet new people.

    I went through a similar thing several years ago, and I handled it very poorly. Just try to understand that your friend wants to meet new people-it doesn't mean she doesn't want to be friends with you anymore. Make the effort to get together with her, but also try to branch out and make friends with new people.  I hope his helps!


  6. just move on because you will probably will never see her again

  7. Try to make some plans with her doing things you guys love. Maybe that will entice her to want to hang out some more.

  8. You are not clingy!!! It sucks when you lose really good friends!!! It happens though. Eventually as life goes on you get more. You could try talking to her and see why you two don't see each other as much anymore. Try to plan some time to hang out. If she ditches, then just deal with the fact that she wasn't a very good friend then. Good friends will always be there for you. Good luck!

  9. Aww. I don't think you're that clingy. You just seem like you want to be with your best friend. You make it sound like that she doesn't really care about you anymore and that she would rather be doing her own thing. I think that you should be friends with her, but I think you need to make some new friends. It's harder than it looks- I know! But you can do it. Join clubs or meet new people in your new classes. It's a whole new year and who knows... You might find a better friend! Good luck!

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