
Drilling in alaska?

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What is the bill number for drilling in alaka in the anwr area?

did it start in the house or senate?




  1. I do not know the bill number, but it was started by democrat Bill Clinton with a moratorium placed by him in 1996!

  2. Public concerns over the soaring price of oil has been noted in the Halls of Congress.  No less than 17 bills are pending all of which mandate the opening of the coastal plain of ANWR to oil and gas development.  Some of this legislative language has been sitting waiting for consideration for months, but recently at least four new bills have been introduced and more are promised.

    In the coming weeks intense action is expected in the House of Representatives, where, despite democratic leadership opposition, a significant number of moderate democrats actively support passage of an ANWR bill.  

    The outlook for passage through the Senate, where 60 votes will inevitably be needed to overcome a filibuster, is more problematic.  Again the democrat leadership opposes an ANWR bill, but the obvious inability of the Senate to appease the American public and its legitimate concern for our energy future, puts all opponents at a political disadvantage.  If the price of oil continues to rise, rational action from the US Senate, that has one and a half eyes on the national election in November, becomes more and more likely.  Proponents of ANWR who read this website, would be well served by activating intense pressure on their elected representative in Congress at this time.



    as of JULY 2ND 2008

    1) Affordable Gas Price Act HR 2415.IH, Ron Paul (TX-14), 5/21/07, cosponsors-0.

    2)  No More Excuses Energy Act of 2007 HR. 3089.IH, Mac Thornberry (TX-13),  7/18/07 motion to discharge, cosponsors -79.

    3) American Made Energy Act of 2008 HR5437.IH, Mike Ross (AR-4) / Nunes (CA- ),  2/14/08, cosponsors -7.  BlueDog Bill.

    4) American Energy Independence and Security Act of 2008 S.2758.IS, Lisa Murkowski  (AK), 3/13/08, cosponsors - 7.

    5) American Energy Production Act of 2008 S.2958.IS, Pete Domenici (NM), 5/1/08,  cosponsors - 21.

    6) Affordable Fuel for Consumers Act of 2008 HR. 6009.IH, Phil English (PA-3), 5/8/08,  cosponsors - 2.

    7) Main Street USA Energy Security Act of 2008 HR6001.IH , Steve Buyer (IN-4)  5/8/08, cosponsors -20.

    8) American Energy Independence and Price Reduction Act HR.6107.IH, Don Young  (AK), 5/21/08, cosponsors - 157

    9) American Energy Independence Act HR.6161.IH,  Rep Mike Rogers (MI-8), 5/22/08,  cosponsors - 1.

    10)  End the Pain at the Pump Act of 2008 HR.6165.IH,  Ed Whitfield (KY-1), 5/22/08,  cosponsors - 1.

    11)  $150 Barrel Energy Extortion Act of 2008 HR6207.IH, Todd Akin (MO-2), 6/9/08,  cosponsors - 25.

    12) Funding of Clean Energy Future By Bringing Lower Gas Prices for Americans Today  Act of 2008 HR.6301.IH, Stevan Pearce (NM-2) 6/18/08, cosponsors - 0.

    13) Veterans Education Improvement Act of 2008 HR. 6397.IH, Jeb Hensarling (TX-5),  6/26/08, cosponsors - 0.

    14) Comprehensive Energy Exploration, Price Reduction, and Renewable Energy  Investment Act of 2008 HR. 6412.IH Marilyn Musgrave, (CO-4), 6/26/08,  cosponsors - 0.

    15)  Energy Independence Act HR6421.IH, Bill Shuster (PA-9), 6/26/08, cosponsors-0.

    16) Americans for American Energy Act of 2008 HR.6384. Rob Bishop (UT-1), 6/26/08,  cosponsors- 26

    17) Senator Thune will introduce an ANWR bill next week
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