
Drills for basketball defense?

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i am just wondering if anyone has any tips on drills to do to improve defense for basketball. i am not bad, i am actually the best in the my league (where i am from). but id like to improve even more. i am going to start going up to a gym to work on basketball before the season starts but i just need ideas.




  1. im cunfuzed  

  2. get in to a D stands and get low and go fast side and zig zag fir 2 min then u will go fast and be able to jump higher if u try to touch the rim 10 times with right left then both  

  3. wall sits. they hurt like h**l but they make your legs super strong so you can stay low. thats the key: stay low. also work on your reflexes so you can get lots of steals. you need to be quick.  

  4. OK first... always keep looking at the other person in the eyes. NEVER look at the ball. Thats how people get crossover!  And Probably the best one....  always keep your knees bend, so if the other player tries to crossover you wount fall in the trick. I play basketball for my school and this tips really work!

  5. Running helps a lot. Practice defensive stance, and side-steps.

  6. u can go to the gym with another friend and she or he can try to score on u while u cover them.

  7. asdf

  8. Train your reflexes for blocking and rebounding. Those are the two most important defensive moves. Bring a friend to the gym, and have an nice and easy 1 on 1. But have him/her post up, and practice your blocking.

  9. To work on your defense do defensive slides, this is very good and you don't need a lot of space to do it, this sounds a little much but if you have a room that is like 10 feet from wall to wall, defensive slide from one end to another 50 times for a week, then 60, all the way until you get to 100, then you do 100 a day every week.

    Another gigantic part of defense is jumping, If you are playing against a team that is on average a foot taller than you, the only way you can stop them from dropping the ball in the basket is defense, and youcan't play defense if they shoot over you so you gotta jump.

    To jump high do 50 calf raises a day and 50 squats a day, it will improve your jumping. when that gets easy put some weights in your hands and do them. When you get to jumping high, you can smack anyone dumb enough to try shooting on you.

    Another big thing is agility, a lot of people try to trick you by leaving the ball out and when you go for it, they go the other way, now I have great agility so when people try that on me I snag that like stealing candy from a baby. For agility take some tennis balls and go up by a wall, now throw one ball agianst the wall one way, and another ball on the other side, then grab the ball before it hits the ground and throw it back, it sounds easy but when your throwing one, and grabbing the other it can get confusing.

    And speed is another big part, if your not fast and you stick tight d, they will go around you, so just gain some speed.

    On defense always stay low, cuz you can move quick and also keep your arms out, so when they dribble around you can slide with the and maybe steal the ball.

    I hope this helps and if it dosn't

    good luck

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