Drills to improve team work in volleyball
Volleyball is not an individual sport but a team sport that features six players on one team. Unlike individual sports, the dynamics of a win in volleyball do not only involve self motivation, team spirit also plays an integral part to the performance on
the court.
A good volleyball player should not only look towards disciplining him or herself and improving the required volleyball skills, he or she should also focus on creating synergy in the team and improving communication among the fellow volleyball players. Teams
that come onto the court with good team spirit and display a coordinated game more often than not move out of the court with a win. Even if a volleyball team does not have strong players individually but if its team work is strong, then the chance of making
a win increases tremendously.
The importance of team work is stressed by Andrew Carnegie in the following words, “Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows
common people to attain uncommon results.”
Therefore, if a coach aims to make his or her team unbeatable in matches, it is imperative that due focus is given to creating and enhancing team work among the volleyball players during practice sessions. If teamwork is inculcated in the players regularly
during practice, it will become their second nature and they will be able to make use of it during matches.
There are various drills that volleyball coaches can perform in order to inculcate team work in his or her players. One of the drills is called the Team Pepper Drill. This drill makes use of one setter, two hitters while the rest of the team is lined up
in front of them. This drill can be performed by using only one side of the court. The two hitters should be placed on either side of the setter before the start of the drill.
When the coach signals to start the drill, the setter should set the ball to anyone of the hitters who in turn will make a hit at anyone of the defenders. The hitter should either swing or tip the ball. When the ball comes to any one of the defenders, it
should be passed back to the setter so that the drill can be repeated a second time. This drill is one of the most used for the purpose of enhancing team work. Not only that, the Team Pepper drill is also useful in learning ball control.
Another effective team drill is called the Black Sheep. The coach should line up the team on one side of the net while a server stands on the other side. At the start of the drill, the server should serve to one of the players and keep on doing so in each
rotation. At the beginning of another round, the focus of the server should shift to another receiver. This drill helps to promote team work in the players as well as increase the serving skill as the server gets a chance to make the serves repeatedly. Not
only that, the receiver also gets to practice serves and work on their weaknesses as they are made to break the serve repeatedly as well.
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