
Drink , dance , bubble. wat does the bubble mean to ??

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Drink , dance , bubble. wat does the bubble mean to ??




  1. I think its like talking about stupid things!

  2. If you are talking about that Riley song, the lyrics are usually drink, usually dance, usually babble...not bubble. Lyrics are here.

  3. Laugh!!

    your drinking and your damncing then your laughing!!

  4. I think in this sense, it means to socialise or have a good time.

  5. I think it means to drink. Another name for Champagne is Bubbly.

  6. bubble bath= laugh

  7. bang bang bang

  8. Well, if you play World of Warcraft, it means to put your shield on (protects you from all damage). heheh  

    First response is probably more along the appropriate lines....

  9. have a 'bubble bath' = have a laugh  

  10. when pockets of air form in a liquid it causes a spherical pouch of air called a bubble that floats to the top

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