
Drink Driving, how brave was this child to scream for help because her mother was drunk driving?

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  1. She was definttley brave because it's her mother, after all, and sometimes your family member would say somehing like "Don't tell anyone". That's a family secret, but if it's dangrous and might harm someone, TELL SOMEONE. That child was EXTRELEY brave.

  2. haven;t read about this one, however, it ,may have  been because she feared for her safety

  3. It beggars belief that a mother can drive in that state with a small child on board, there is no excuse, I hope they throw the key away.

  4. pretty brave i guess.

  5. That's not bravery that's panic, there is a difference.


  6. i sure am glad alcohol is legal and found on every corner.  great stuff that liquor,  every one should drink a couple bottle of pure grain a night and drive there cars to get more when they run out,  big tax money, so worth it,  i love it

    sarcasm, either make that S**t illegal, or legalize marijuana. your choice, whats it gonna be?


    last i heard, no one ever died from Marijuana,  people die more from cigarettes and alcohol, and prescription medication ever single day,  alcohol kills more Innocent people per day because of drunk drivers than gun crimes

    go figure

    so before you give me thumbs down,  show me one case of a strictly Marijuana death

  7. thats bad when a girl betrays her own mother. thats not brave thats traitor. I hope she gets a good whipping when the mom gets her home.

  8. ^   it is brave- not a lot of children that age would shout out for help especially when it was the mother she was trying to save herself from.

    i really feel for the kid- bless her she must have been terrified.

  9. 4 times the legal limit and she puts

    her kids life at risk, thats not a mother.

  10. I think it would be fear that would have a 5 year old act like that.  Though credit to her for managing to attract attention.  I hope her mum gets the help she needs and her daughter isn't scared by the event.

  11. No man or woman should not even think about having one drop of drink if they are going to drive.... and more so if she or he has children on board. That child deserves a medal, whether it was her Mother or not. She knew it was wrong to drink and drive, and the Mother  certainly  knew. I wonder why the Mother thought she could get away with it... well tough as she had a child who did not drive but knew the rules. A very brave girl.... medal  well and truly deserved...!!!

  12. It's amazing that a 5 year old was so aware that her mother was incapable of driving.  Children of that age are usually completely trusting.  The mother must have had a history of near misses or scary behaviour for the child to react like this.

    Poor kid - she was very brave and very bright.

  13. Clever and lucky little girl to recognise her mother wasn't capeable of driving.   How sad is that?  How many years has she been that aware?  That 'mother' needs horsewhipping for behaving in that way and the child should be taken away from her before it becomes normal behaviour for both of them!

  14. The mother must have been swerving and maybe shouting at the child-she must have been terrified but knew to shout for help for her mother!

  15. I don't know that brave covers it. I wonder what revenge the mother will have in store for her when this is all over.

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