
Drink driving.....?

by  |  earlier

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What would you do, if a very close friend of your's, persistently drinks and drives in excess, and most of he's friends have told him to quit doing it, or he could lose he's job, or even worse.

The other problem is that, he also has two under 5 children with him when he does it, normally at weekends only.

We all think it's extremely bad, so what do you suggest please.




  1. If all/most of his friends have brought this to his attention and he has made no effort to reform then it is very likely that his drinking is out of control. I suggest that as many as possible of you gang up on him, and tell hime preferebly when he isn't so drunk, that he is endangering the lives of his children as well as his own and if he doesn' t do something about it then you will be forced to for the sake of the children. Having made the threat you have to be prepared to help him, and should he refuse to try then you have to do as you threaten for the sake of the children. He probably won't thank you all, but then maybe  years down the line the thankyou will come when he realises how out of control he had become.

  2. To be honest even if it was a member of my family i would report the matter simple as, i spent 5 yrs as a recovery driver and saw the result of many accidents caused by drinking and driving, it is tantamount to premeditated murder, i could never live with the knowledge that i could have prevented injury/death by just making a call, you or anyone are not forcing this person to get behind the wheel when they have had a drink

  3. I certainly would noy steep out in front of him!!!!!!!!!!! He will get nicked sooner or later. Lets hope no one is hurt!!

  4. ......"or even worse".....he could kill someone else's children!  Report him - he's stupid.

  5. He obviously needs reported but as he is a friend tell him what you plan to do and see if he changes. Make him aware he is going to kill his kids if he carries on!

  6. When you know he is out driving under these circumstances,

    phone the police and tell them his registration number and type of car.

    Do NOT feel guilty about it.

  7. It is a friend yeah?

    While reading this, I couldn't help but think you're asking for yourself..

    but that'd be silly!

    Umm, I'd definitely say, talk to him, someone in his family or report him, for his own good and the safety of his children.

  8. I would mind my own business.  I suggest you and your friends do the same.  

    I have been drink driving for thirty five years and it is a fact that my driving is safer than some peoples driving when they have not been drinking.  It is not the fact that someone has drank alcohol that is dangerous, it is when they have drank more than they can handle.

    After thirty five years of drink driving I have never caused an accident.  I have had three cars written off however, and each time I had not been drinking.  On one occasion I stopped quite correctly at a t junction and on the other two occasions I was correctly and safely parked.  On all three occasions a woman driver crashed into my car.

    The evidence of my experience suggests that women driving is far more dangerous than moderate drink driving.

  9. If you are truly their friend you already know what you need to do, so just do it and it's not the most pleasant job in the world. It's not always fun. You don't always get a thank-you.

    However, it does save lives, and that is reason enough for doing it.

  10. Cards on the table time. Tell him that unless he stops he WILL be reported. If he carries on with this it will only get worse.

    Better to see him sitting on a bus than lying on a slab.

    It's called tough love

  11. Your ineptitude is evident in even asking this question.  The man is a moron and you should report him to the police, not only is he putting his own life at risk - who cares but he is and this is down right stupid putting the lives of his children and the general public at risk.  If he loses his job - tough **** he shouldn't drink and drive its as simple as that - its bloody illegal

  12. you know what i would do mate i would threaten him with the police and tell him that you are going to grass him up and if he stops well done but if that doesnt work ring the police with out telling them your name and let them take it from there well when he get caught he will get a criminal record and loses his license tell him that and a fine but at the end of the day if he carrys on he will kill his kids or some poor sod . when i  go these road traffic accidents (its apat of my job) the drink driver never dies well very rear .

  13. I agree with all the others. You must report this idiot -soon.

  14. IT SEEMS OBVIOUS THAT HE IS DRINKING AT YOUR HOUSE MOST OF THE TIME AND YOU ARE AS GUILTY AS HE IS. You should not serve him or allow him to drink. even his own alcohol, at your house. You are just as guilty. you are criminally negligent and if anything happen to those children you will find your sorry *** in jail beside his, and it would be your just deserts. In some countries you could be put to death for this irresponsibility. Why not give this guy a loaded machine gun and turn him loose with 1000 rounds of ammo. Recently in Toronto Canada. one drunk driver killed more than a dozen people from one family, the night before a wedding was to take place, their only crime was walking down the road. If he was leaving my house in an impaired state with two kids it would be after he kicked the **** out of me for trying to stop him, since I don't drink there is little chance of it, kick his *** and save someones life, get this menace off the road, he may kill some one in your family ever thought of that ........ have a nice day...

  15. i think you should inform police of what he is doing. You could ultimately be saving three or more lives

  16. A true friend would take his keys and have a bloody stern word with him.

  17. I don't think it matters as if he does it persistently it will only be a matter of time until he is caught. All it takes is a dodgy brake light.

  18. he needs to be reported and have his children taken from him before he ends up getting them killed,if he has no respect for his children,he doesnt deserve to have them.

  19. Hi James

    Dodgy one this, i understand the issue, but take it simply, how would you feel when he has an accident, and either hurts or kills another motorist, cyclist or pedestrian, thats without the harm which may come to his kids...

    I would feel absolutely gutted, and even if they had some underlying reasons, i would have to do something....

    So as you may have guessed from the general type of comments, its over to you!.

    you must do what you feel is correct!

    lets hope is not me or your family walking down the road that, 'one night'

    good luck!

  20. Principle - he needs to stop doing it.

    So, will he respond to requests - yes/no?

    If no, then he needs to be shopped.  why?  If he kills someone his income will be cut and someone will be dead.  If you don't shop him then with each passing week someone is more likely to die.

    An alternate approach is to get AA or someone similar to get in touch.
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