
Drink spiked Sun night???

by  |  earlier

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I suspect a friend is telling a few lies...she has troubles lets say.

She claims that she her drink was spiked on Sun night in a club..she says it was from Liquid Heroin...does any1 know any bit of information or any good links where I could find out about this drug?

Can any1 tell me a bit about the drug itself?




  1. Liquid heroin is a drink.  Specifically, it's a shot.  So, either your friend is saying someone spiked her shot or she's dumb.  

  2. The date rape drugs are normally for people who target certain women. Wikipeadia will have information about it and the effects it can have. Normally they will have no recollection of the night before so they should not be able to tell if they were drunk beyond all recognition or drugged.

  3. liquid heroin IS a drink. Its not a drug.

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