
Drinking, 1st time, crush will be there?

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how much should i drink? im 5'8" a girl and 140 lbs. my crush will be at this party and i dont want to embarass my self. this will be my 1st time drinking at a party w/o parents. ive drank in bits before with parents.




  1. dont even drink you'll just embaress yourself. everyone has different alcohol tolerance levels, so if you're going to do it, to it SLOWLY so you can tell how your feeling as the party goes on... but i can tell this is heading for disaster..

  2. Just drink slowly. Don't take three shots in a row because everyone else is doing it. Have a drink, then drink some water before having your next. Make sure to be eating a little bit too.

    For the people warning you about date rape: If you feel unsafe, or are going to a party where you won't know a lot of people, you can buddy up with a girl friend to keep an eye on each other. No matter what, you guys leave together, or crash in the same place. That's never a bad idea.

    And if you want a number, I'm 5'8" and 125lbs and usually start feeling tipsy after two drinks; drunk at four. But everyone handles alcohol differently. So just take it slow.

  3. I would say if you don't wanna embarrass yourself one or two.Though not drinking at all is a lot more intelligent.Please for the sake of me not having to see you as another statistic just don't do anything dumb ie: get pregnant get in a car with someone else who is drunk, get raped, or get hooked on some crazy drug and try to commit suicide.

  4. drink as much as you can until you dont want to anymore and control yourself when you become drunk, its not that hard to do

  5. Aw, how sweet! For a girl your size, I'd say don't go over two drinks. Be sure to drink some water in-between drinks to keep yourself hydrated. Whenever you feel too dizzy or uncomfortable, it's always okay to say no.

    EDIT: model, calm down! don't punish the many for the mistakes of the few. nobody is going to get killed or raped.

  6. I don't want to sound like a parents or anything (haha, I'm 17), but trust me on this one... It's much cooler not to drink at all. I always hear the guys at school talking about how dumb girls are when they drink at parties... they say some REALLY mean things about them! I don't drink or smoke and all the guys respect me. By not drinking, you are showing people that you are content with reality and that you don't need to "escape" by getting drunk. Plus, drinking to look cool in front of a guy you like? You are better than that! If he doesn't like you when you're sober, why would you want to date anyone like that anyway?

    It's your choice, but no matter what you decide to do, always stay true to yourself. God bless! xoxo

  7. dont drink at all. what r u dumb. why the h**l do you want to drink anyway??? Becasue it's cool? Everybody handle alcohol differently but you could drink and end up being gang raped by a couple of guys and end up pregnant. Your first time drinking should be at home with someone you trust. You don't wanna end up in "stack em up bob's" bed in the morning do ya? i didnt think so.

  8. Try and limit yourself to one alcoholic drink per hour.  It's good that you are aware of not wanting to embarass yourself - it makes it easier to realise when you need to stop.  As the others have said, drink slow, eat plenty, and always have some water and other non-alcoholic drinks inbetween.  You will be fine and still in full control to be able to woo that crush of yours!  Hope you have fun and get the guy!

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