
Drinking Age in France?

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I'm off to France next week and i want to know what the drinking age is becuase i want to go to a pub and watch the champions league final. I am 15 but i look older so i should get served as a 16 year old but will i need to show any ID.




  1. in all bars or disco, you can enter at any age !

    there is 3 differents ages to drink:

    down 16 no alcohol

    16 to 18 only beer and wine

    +18 anything

    but in discos, generaly i you look +16 you can drink anything, there is no ID control in France cause it's forbiden (except by the police)

  2. its 18 my friend

  3. it's 18. But you can still go to the pub. They will let you in, just not serve you any booze^^ well, maybe they will. I remember when I was 16, I could easily order booze in the bars, a lot of kids can get alcohol, people rarely ask for IDs... If watching the game is all you want to do in the pub, nobody will stop you. Just stick to the coke^^

  4. try to go to buy alcohol in market without ID ifyou have less than 18year old they will send you out with the shame of your life

  5. Actually the legal age to purchase beer or wine is 16. The legal age to purchase distilled alocholic beverages is 18.

    I've rarely seen anyone asked to produce ID in France in a bar or cafe but then maybe I haven't been paying much attention.

    What I wonder is how a 15 year old can be traveling on their own in France. And if you are not traveling alone but with your parents then simply have one of them go with you. Then there won't be any problem.

  6. I'm not sure what the actual answer to this is, but when I was 15-16 I went to France for two months for an exchange. I was able to buy drinks without showing ID, but I was the youngest in the group from my highschool. Everyone else was 17 or 18.

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