
Drinking In Mexico - 17?

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I'm going to Cancun with Gradweek near the end of June, 08, and my 18th birthday is July 22nd. I know lots of grads are going to be there, and all of us can't be 18, how much trouble should I expect from bars? Will they just not let me in period, or can I get in but not buy drinks (&have a friend purchase them for me?). Gradweek isn't a school sponsored thing, and they are fully aware we will be drinking. I don't look my age, at all. I've passed for 24 before. Should I just expect on paying people off? Help! Thank you!




  1. no problem,   some please ask  for  id.  but  you are  foreign I think  don´t get any trouble

  2. Legally the drinking age is 18 in mexico but depending which part of mexico you are going to will depend if they ask for your ID. for example I am a British Citizen living in Puebla Mexico, now this is a conservative state and has 3 large universities, all the bars here generally ask for proof of age before entering, although with enough money thats not a problem, In Cancun however, I have never seen the security guards once ask for proof of age as it is a big tourist zone and they generally protect and leave the tourists up to their own devices as long as they dont cause trouble. just be a good little Yank and Im sure you will be fine. all the best  a helpful Brit

  3. In tourist spots, they do according to a friend of mine who's mom is from a town near Puerto Vallarta.

    In the rural towns, like my own, they let 10 year olds like my cousin get drunk- heck my mom and older relatives would send our 4,6,8,10,11 year old selves to the aborrotes to get them some 40's. Of course the shop keep knew who our parents were, so I guess you could rule that out.

  4. well i was 15 ,3 years ago and me and my dad went to a resturant. and i got really drunk mexicans dont really care how old you are. my sister was 11 and she was there drink liquer.... so i am sure you can get away with it.

  5. huh?

  6. i'm sure those in mexico wont really care.. i went with a group of friends and my 18th wasnt til a couple of days later, but some bars cut me some slack. be careful out there though! theres a bunch of creeps and people trying to hassle americans! always stay with a group!

  7. You won't have any problem. There pretty much is no drinking age in Mexico. I went to Cancun when I was 15 with my family and I was able to get drinks from the bar. My 12 yr old brother was able to order them as well. I don't think you'll have a problem.

  8. The first and most important question isn't "how to?", but "why do?" Drinking to get drunk isn't the best thing you could be doing with your time and energy. It really isn't. You could do so much better for yourself if you just think instead of drink. I know it hurts and I know you've had a rough time of life, but drinking is only a Band-Aid on an infected gaping wound of unresolved hurt and anger. If you can think, and value thinking, you can learn to deal with your emotions and make a better life for yourself where real happiness in your achievements can be found. Drinking, partying, random guys, is a waste of time.

  9. while i'm sure you wont have anyproblems buying any drinks make sure the bottles are opened in your precense to avoid them being watered down or putting things in your drink. oh, and stick with your friends. remember what happened to natalie holloway. have fun...

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