
Drinking In Mexico. Fake ID?

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I am going to mexico soon. When i am in mexico i will be 17, turning 18 a few months after i get back. Will i be able to drink there. How much trouble could i get in if i used a fake ID(if i need to use one)




  1. Hahaha, this is the country where mother give babies pulque and it's normal to see little children going to the store on the corner to buy beer.

    Chances are nobody will even notice you're underage. Technically it's "illegal" for someone under 18 to buy booze, but you can "bend" the law by having someone over 18 to buy it for you since it's technically legal for even a baby to drink booze.

    In fact, the only places I know that have people asking around if you're over 18 to buy beer are nighttclubs in Mexico City and it's mostly because cops here are jerks and will find any excuse to get a quick bribe.

    You probably won't have any problems over there, just don't drink & drive and don't passout drunk in the bar without having a sober mate to take care of you because waiters will take all of your money when you pass out.

  2. Mexicans love their tourists.

    Just keep your composure and don't act up and draw attention to your self.

    I have been going to Mexico for 26 years and you would not believe me if I told you what I have seen.

    Some of the upscale places may have concerns but you will not be bothered by the Policias .

    I watched a girl walk right past a pick-up load of preventivas in to a bar sat down and ordered a beer.

    I said something to the doorman and he shrugged his shoulders and said "quien cuida" who cares?

    She was 15 years old

    Natalie Halloway (God bless and rest her soul) made a very drunken decision to leave a  bar with two or three perfect strangers and it cost her her life.

    Why you would feel a need to drink at your age may have an affect on the rest of your life.

  3. Going to Mexico ! ! !

    What part of Mexico !

    Most tourist destination  (beach towns) are very very flexible about this point.  So not to worry about it....   but if you drink,  do not drink too much, do not accept drinks from people you don´t know and take care of yourself.

    Best to you.

  4. Do NOT get caught with a fake drivers license by the Customs and border patrol that will raise red flags and a lot of trouble for for the drinking make sure you read all the answers you get they all have really good advice hence- be safe not stupid

  5. How about just obeying the rules and you won't have to worry about it? If you are considering using altered identification in a foreign country with different penalties, you are too young to drink anyways

  6. Try to stay out of Fancy places and you should have no problem and do NOT SHOW THE ID, nobody would normally ask you for one.

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