
Drinking absinthe question...?

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I got a real bottle of absinthe from spain receently and im confused about the methods to drink it? and also im tiny so how much should i drink?




  1. I have had it once myself in a bar, It was poured properly and really good, if you like black licorice. I however, can't stand black licorice.

    On to how to make a drink.  Start with about a shot of your absinthe in a glass. Next you need a sugar cube or two and you should have an absinthe spoon. If you don't have one, which I doubt you will, use a fork. In a pinch, use a spoon. It doesn't really make much difference. put the sugar cube(s) on the fork/spoon and slowly pour ice cold water over the sugar cube. This should be done one drip at a time, watching the sugar water dissolve in the absinthe. Do it at whatever pace best suits you. Once the sugar cube is dissolved it should be perfect to drink. I would take small sips along the way to get the taste just right.

    Thats all there is to it.  

    As far as how much should you drink? Start off with one drink and go from there. Take it slow and you'll be fine. But remember, it is strong.

  2. check the website below. Im tiny as well but drink like a man so I cant help you with how much you should drink. Start with a glass, drink slowly and see how you feel. There is a high alcohol content in most absinthe's so check the bottle and measure yourself from there. Remember it will be diluted. Hope its enjoyable experience!

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