
Drinking age changed to 18?

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Agree or disagree? My borther is 19 and just came home not too long ago from Iraq. He has been thru h**l and back defending his country and yet he can't have a beer.




  1. I believe that if you're in the military, yes.

    If you're a civilian, no.

    My older brother is in the military too.

  2. He can come to Canada, and drink legally, its only 19 here. I understand about how stupid the military thing is, you can go somewhere where you are in constant danger when you're 18 but having a drink or a cigarette is more unhealthy for you than a warzone? I really dont understand.

  3. i live in Australia (WOO!) and the drinking age here IS 18. Theres no problem with it at all. i think its good..

    Drinking, driving, everything the guys in America (Woo!) can do when they turn 21, you can do here at the age of 18.

  4. I understand your thought process here.  I have always felt that the drinking age was amazingly short-sighted in the states.  Your brother is one great example.  The fact that 18 year olds can choose our politicians and die in wars (but aren't trusted to have a drink) is insane.  Most European countries have a much younger drinking age and, I feel, that it takes some of the mystique from drinking ... which leads to a more responsible approach to alcohol consumption.

    Times I have visited Great Britain, for instance, I have seen lots of people in their late teens or early 20's who seem generally interested in having a few beers during a great pub conversation vs. drunk 21 year olds making up for years of repression.  That said, I would note the following:

    1. G.B. has an enormous problem right now with binge drinking.  Not, of course, that we don't have that in the states.  But, per capita, the British problem is worse.

    2. When the U.S. lowered the drinking age to 19 in the 1970's, there is a lot of evidence that drinking in this age category went up significantly.  My friend's mother described it this way, "Back then, if you were in high school, you didn't have to be 19.  You would know lots of people who were and they would buy for you.  There were a lot of people getting drunk at school because their older boyfriend or girlfriend would buy booze for everyone."

    I am torn on the issue.  Do I think your brother has every right to buy a beer after defending our county over seas?  Of course.  Do I want my teenage children to have ready access to alcohol? No.

    It's one of those questions that doesn't have a right (or at least easy) answer.

  5. It used to be 18 not too long ago for beer and 21 for spirits which included wine. When it was 18 the road traffic accidents where much higher due to drunk driving. Personally I would like to see it dropped to 18 to reflect the age of military service. However those a part of the temperance movement would fight any such move. So, for at least for the time being it will stay at 21.

  6. No way, there are enough drunk driving deaths and alcohol poisoning with the legal age being 21, lowering it would just make it worse.

  7. the same argument during Vietnam War in early '70's. They lowered it to 18 & it was a disaster.

  8. You can list all the pros and cons you want, but there are two driving factors that will prevent the age from changing.

    1. Federal aid to states who drop the age from 21 will cease

    2. Not enough teens vote to make the politicians take notice.

  9. Thank him for his service and when he turns 21 buy him a beer.

  10. i dont think they should make a special drinking exception just for soldiers...

  11. Glad your brother made it back safe and sound, be  proud of him for serving his country.

    I agree partially with the 18 year old drinking age, it is 18 where I am, and 19 the next Province over. I feel that if a person is able to be able to get "aclimated" to alchohol it doesn't become the "BIG DEAL" that most teens think it is. In fact we have kids that come from ND that come up here and because it is legal for them to get fall down drunk, they do!! It's like putting a kid in a candy store.If a person is able to put his/her life on the line for their country at 18 they should also be allowed to have a beer.

    Oh yes, my buddy Trooper gave you the best reasons so far!!!

  12. IF the age limit were ever lowered, it should include all 18 year olds, not just limited to 18 year olds in the military, just because you are in the military doesn't mean you are any more mature or special than anyone else......if people under 21 want to drink, they are going to get alcohol one way or another......i personally do not agree with the 21 age limit, its ridiculous, im only 20 and i am going to drink no matter what the law or what anyone says.....

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