
Drinking age you feel it should be changed?

by  |  earlier

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Are you for drinking at 18 or 21?

since this is up for debate recently by law makers....




  1. no, it should stay the same.

  2. I think it should definetly be changed for the military. It's ridiculous that you can fight in a war when your 18 but you can't drink.

  3. Age for drinking should be 21

    Age for the armed services also 21.

    18 are to young for both

  4. Yes it needs to be changed....from 21 to 30 and in some cases 35.

  5. I think everyone should be able to drink non-alcohol beverages at any age.

    As for alcohol, never! Not one drop! If I were president, every bar, club, and beer company would be out of business!

  6. 18 for everything including drinking. I remember when 18 year olds could drink and there was no problem. Other than we have way to many nosy busy bodies in America.

  7. It should be up to the states.  In fact, it is, but the federal government has tied federal highway funds to the 21 age limit.  If states want that money they need to keep the drinking age at 21.  This seems to me like an abuse of federal power.  

    I think a more important point is this.  Why is Mothers Against Drunk Driving, a neoprohibitionist lobby group, given tax exempt status and federal funds?  Read the story I link to if you want to see how useless and dangerous that organization really is.

  8. would it really matter if the drinking age was changed people still get a hold of beer/ liquor somehow i mean u could be 18 and walk in a liqour store and buy beer i live in los angeles and its like it doesnt even matter they dont even ask for i;d in some of the places and no the drinking age shouldnt be changed

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