
Drinking alcohol and taking medicine

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I was wandering if it would be ok if i drank alcohol while on Omeprazole 40mg Gastro-resistant capsules, i'm taking them for nausea.

Ive read the leaflet and doesnt say anything about it.

Can anyone help?




  1. Regardless of what it says on the leaflet you shouldnt drink alchohol with any medication, unless you want to die.

  2. If you are not sure, it is best just to assume they don't mix.

  3. Im on the same tablets and its fine 2 drink, it doesnt say that u cant drink on the leaflet, so it fine . . its not like they would ever say whats fine to do on a leaflet, they ONLY say that u cant do!!

    Enjoy a drink hun . . I do =)

  4. is never a good idea!!!

  5. Not one of your better ideas.

  6. Wow are you ok or should i knock you out with a baseball bat. ARE YOU CRAZY!!!!

  7. Don't think it will hurt, although you shoulded drink on any meds.

  8. I can't find anything that says you should avoid alcohol while taking it; however if you are taking it to prevent nausea, drinking seems counter productive.

  9. No, NEVER mix the two.

    As you're taking a drug that resists nausea, its completely counter-productive to drink whilst on it because alcohol is a depressant that attacks the nervous system directly you are going to confuse your brain and will end up feeling nauseous as a result.

    It is NEVER ever a good idea to mix alcohol and drugs, prescribed, legal, illegal or otherwise. My friend learned the hard way, and it was fatal.

    I suggest to stop taking the drugs for 24 hours before you drink, if you really want to drink.

    Look after yourself, the body is far more precious than we realise.

  10. it says on most bottle that if you drink more than 3 cups a night you should consult you doctor about taking the medicine

  11. only if you have to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. nooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  13. Mixing drugs and alcohol is never advisable no matter what it says  on the leaflet.  You are taking the medication because you don't want to feel ill, are you not?

  14. if your taking them for nausea then why would you WANT to drink alcohol? it would probably make you feel even more sick and then your tablets wouldn't work!

  15. Alcohol and medication do not mix, why even take the chance.

  16. i would stop both of them

  17. If there are any known effects they should be in the leaflet. This said, leaflets have been wrong in the past, and alcohol is a toxin, so my advice would be to avoid it whilst your body sorts itself out and while you're on the tablets.

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