
Drinking alcohol doesn't really affect me much. What's wrong?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, i'm a 16 year old female, 5'1, 105 pounds. Firstly, before I ask this question or whatever, I don't need any answers telling me i'm too young to drink. Seriously, teenagers drink get over it. :)

Ok, so whenever I drink, I rarely get hyper. I just throw up and gets sick. Does your mood affect the way you'll be when your drunk? Like if you were happy and there were alot of people there would you be more hyper then if it was just you and you weren't in a good mood? Perhaps this is the reason. Anyways last night I had 36 shots of half vodka and half orange juice, two coolers, andI had two glasses of rum and coke I was perfect, could walk fine, wasn't hyper at all. Just threw up and got sick. Why? Is this the way it will always be? Thanks :)




  1. Try drinking red wine (You learn to love the taste). Trust me it will make you happy and sweet!!

  2. you're damaging your brain and organs i'm sure, but you probably throw it up too soon to feel the effects of it.

    i'd stop drinking if i were you.

  3. You might have drank the shots too fast.

    I know when I took 12 (full) shots in an hour, I wasn't that drunk while sitting.  About an hour later I ended up really sick, though.  But it hit me all at once, it was like sorta sober to incredibly drunk in 10 minutes.  After I got sick, though, I was completly black out drunk, actually hit my friend.

    I would suggest you try either or both of these things:

    1) Get someone to video record you drunk.  You may be thinking you are fine while you are not.  

    2) Take a shot every half hour until you are drunk.  This way you won't drink too fast.  It may take a while to get drunk.  To get things started, you should do 3 shots to start, then a shot every half hour after that.

    People don't get sick because they weren't drunk from 18 full shots.  If you let your friends give you shots, try pouring them yourself next time.  They may have been less full than you think.

  4. Hahaha ******** you had 36 half shots of vodka, thats 18 full shots. Most girls I know get drunk off of 5 maybe even 4 shots, and they're in college and have been drinking longer than you. I'm 19 and I weigh 180 pounds, and I would be drunk after 7 shots. Next time, get a handle of jack daniels, take 5 full shots with chasers after them, and you'll be drunk. There's no need to lie about how much you can drink over the internet.

  5. unless you wanna kill yourself

  6. You probably threw it up too soon, before you could feel the effects.

  7. Everyone reacts differently to drinking alcohol.  Some people get happy, some people get angry, some people just pass out then puke when they wake up.  You could be allergic to alcohol.  Some people who have an alcohol allergy won't feel the 'drunk' effects of it.  But be safe and NEVER drive after you've drank, regardless of how you feel.

    And.... 36 shots can get you alcohol poisoning real quick, so be careful when you drink.  Be sure to drink lots of water when you're drinking so you don't dehydrate.

    See... I didn't lecture you about your age at all, just all the other things.  ;)

  8. Ever heard of alcohol overdose or toxicity.  You will kill yourself doing this.  Have someone video you and you will see just how really drunk you were.  You just don't remember.

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