
Drinking and boxing?

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If I have a few drinks once and a while could that affect my amateur boxing training?




  1. Yes it can. If you get in a fight outside of the ring and police involved this may affect your license to fight.

  2. Well to be honest drinking will effect your physical fitness no matter what. However, if you drink in moderate amounts and keep working out and doing boxing routines I think you will be fine. The evidence I can have behind this is because there a millions of college athletes out there who drink and still are excellent performers when it comes to sport. For instance, I am a college football player and everyone on my team drinks heavily but along with their heavily drinking their is hard work put back on the football field and weight room. Overall I think drinking will have an effect on your boxing performance but if you are not an alcoholic then I believe the difference will be unnoticeable.


  3. Once you decide and go for it you will know how much or what your body can handle.

  4. yes drink is a poison!

  5. yes it will. alcohol = poisen. it makes your body weak and your mind weak and weak people don't fight well.

  6. i dont think so...ricardo mayorga smokes and i think thats worse but look at him. hes a pro..he sucks but that doesnt matter. i think that as long as ur not a drunk, ur fine
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