
Drinking at a party tommorow night help !?

by  |  earlier

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Im sisxteen and yes i drink at partys occasionaly and so on but my dads picking me up this time and im wondering any helpful hints to " appear " sober or just any tips . and PLEASE dont say dont drink . its not going to happen thanks (:




  1. I've been drinking for years, and unless you really know how to handle your alcohol your going to be a dead give away... my suggestion is take it slow, and if he asks respond that you only had a little. Mints help.

    I come into work drunk all the time, nobody has a clue.

  2. if you plan to drink, start early on at the party. get a lil buzz going, nothing to over do it. and then just relax. sip on some time to time to keep the buzz going. about an hour or two before ur dad comes to get you stop. breath mints, mouth wash, perume...forget all that. most of those contain alcohol and are just going to aid the smell. eat a sandwich or something with bread. that will also help absorb the alcohol thats in your system and make you feel a lil more sober. for your clothes, try iether a non- alcoholic spray or even a dryer sheet to cover cover up the smell.

    As for drinking underage...well i did it too so not much i can say, but be safe!

  3. well firstly stop drinking like an hour before he comes, and then drink water instead. go sit on your own outside like 10 minutes before he comes for you, or go for a quick walk! (it helps sober you up!) next make sure you don't smell of alcohol, chewing gum, mints, perfume etc. when you get in the car, say you don't feel well, your tired, headache etc.

    also make sure you dont slare your words, try to talk faster. and make sure your eyes are proppaly open! good luck lol!

  4. drink water while you drink, and use heavy perfume or cologne

  5. i used to do the same thing. bring bodyspray, gum and a bottle of water, and ur makeup if u wear any.  right before he is suppose to be there spritz on ur spray, drink water and chew gum, andd just bee callm! also freshen up ur makeup so u dont look like ur draggin ***.  also be ready wen he pulls up, try to avoid people being around so ur dad doesnt suspect anything with people acting liek drunken idiots. and hav ur normal conversation on the way home. dont talk too much or too little

  6. The younger you been drinker the more likely you'll end up abusing it and becoming an alcoholic when you are older.  I'm 24, so I remember VERY CLEARLY what it was like at 16...I remember the little get togethers.  I stayed away from it or took a few sips and it in my hand all night...BUT my friends who drunk it all and got tipsy are the ones with lots of kids, alcoholics, addicted to s*x/men, and/or overall losers now.  Please just don't drink..Especially tonight.

  7. try to speak as little as possible and dont overthink because then you will try to compensate and make it even more obvious

  8. use heavy perfume and go and drink as much as u can and while drinking dont think of anything negative. keep positive. thats wat i did. i nearly got into an accident when i was in a depressed state after drinking so be positive.

  9. This is an old cliche and you've heard it a million times, but it's true:  Your dad has already been your through being your age and everything it involves.  Not only wasn't he born yesterday, he was born way before you, so he's already been there, done that.  You won't be able to fool him.

    In my experience, breath mints, cologne, and "acting" like you haven't been drinking all do nothing but draw more attention to the fact that you have been.  I'm not judging you because I know how it is (because I've been there, done that too).  All I can say is, if you do have to drink, at least have the brains not to drive or get in a vehicle with anyone who does.  Be safe.

  10. Maybe breath mints to get rid of the alcohol breath.

  11. Yeah right, you can't hide drinking.  I've seen so many people try to "look" sober and it never works.  You're usually to tipsy to notice how ridiculous you look trying to look sober.  I don't know if you can correct these problems but the first thing that gives away drinking to me is: reddish nose, watery eyes, droopy eyes, acting silly, slurring your words (you don't notice you are slurring them because of the alcohol impairing you motor skills).  My advice is stop at one drink and have plenty of carbs to eat to soak it up.

  12. Don't even waste your time trying because there is simply no way in h**l that you are going to fool any adult male no less fool your father.

    If you chose to drink then not only do have to accept the  consequences for your  actions but so do the people that supplied a minor with alcohol.

    One of my sisters is a single parent  and when my niece who at the time was sixteen came home super-hammered my sister asked me to find out who supplied  the kid with the alcohol and to do my level best to convince that individual that it would be in the best interest of their long term well being if they were never to make that kind of mistake again.I did and they haven't

    It is my sincere hope that your father treats the people who supplied you with alcohol with the same respect that I treated the people who supplied my niece with alcohol .

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