Question: comming back..?

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Ok ive been fine all morning and now ive got a mad buzz from out of the blue i did drink 8 shots of tequlia yesterday and smoke a blunt....why does it come from nowhere? I drunk and smoked the blunt over 20 hours ago




  1. You go boy but that's weird that the buzz is coming back

  2. It's called retribution

    For every pleasure, there has to be some pain to balance it all out

  3. That happans to me alot i know what ur talking about and i like that felling alot.

  4. You don't mention your age and drinking experience.  I was a heavy drinker I had the same as you described.  I realized I was an addict to alcohol and pot and it was controlling me. I also lost weight too.  I was in denial because I was going to college and working!  To me an alcoholic was an old woman who drinks in the morning and later sitting on a bar stool crying about her past men and how the world wronged her. Stuff out of country music.  Not pretty young women like me.  My doctor told me to quit or die. He told me that when the liver starts slight damage your tolerance actually goes down rather than up. It scared me straight. I was reassured the damage was early and reversible.  I put aside the blunts and pot and that was 12 years ago as of September 1, 2008 (coming up soon).  You may still be able to function longer because seeing your avatar you are a guy and guys take longer for the damage to occur. Alcohol is harder on women.  About the pot?  Look up on Google and read about the latest studies on the effect of marijuana on the brain from Dr.Amen.  He is a neurosurgeon and specializes in doing brain scans to show the damage of chemicals to the brain.  It is no wonder that the baby boomer generation that made street drugs more common and mainstream has more "natural deaths" at the ages of late forties and up than my grandparent's and great granparents generation.  Alzheimer's disease is starting to come up at earlier ages.  My mom has never been a drinker of pot smoker and she is a baby boomer.  She is 61 and she looks like she could be in her late 40's and healthy too.  My friends parents who used drugs and drank heavily are either real sick or dead.  If you are very young you might have not been drinking long and still have low tolerance, but if you have had a high tolerance and suddenly your tolerance goes down you might have a problem.  I hope this helps and I never judge anyone I just like to help people so they don't harm themselves. Today I am very healthy and now a business owner doing well and alcohol and pot would have not have let me have what I have today.  

  5. Some guys have all the luck................all I have is a hangover.

  6. I think you should stop smoking pot.  It's illegal.

    As far as a buzz coming back?  I've never heard of that.  Maybe you're having an acid flashback?

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