
Drinking coffee.....

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I have been getting a little tired at work lately, I work at a factory and am always on my feet. I am 25yrs. old if that matters. I was wondering how much does coffee help keep you alert. I have never had or tasted coffee in my life. I have not drank anything except water in two years. Will drinking a cup of coffee in the morning help with staying alert/awake. Also, what is a good tasting coffee, I love hot chocolate, mint, cinnamon, so if you know of any coffees that taste like those, or one that you think I would like, let me know.




  1. coffee is bad

  2. Maybe vitamins would be better than coffee. Take a multi-vitamin and a b-12 supplement every morning and you will be fine.

  3. you might want to try frs healthy energy drink. no caffeine. it has lots of vitamins....i think they are at i tried a free trial last year (i dont know if they still have it) but it was pretty good.

  4. don't drink coffee!!!!! i know that they wake u up all night but it has caffeine. caffeine is bad and can get u hyper. soon after like 1 month later, you'll be so addicted, u'll be wasting money just drinking coffee. thank u and i hope this will help u solve your problem.

  5. oh man im 16 and i freakin LOVE coffee. thats crazy that you drank just water for the past two years :O if i were you id get some dunkin donuts or starbucks before work, theyre flavors are amazing...i dont know how much but both places have extra strengh stuff like dd has some turbo stuff and starbucks has doubleshot expressos plus energy. check out their sites for nutrion facts or if you want you can order coffee for your home.

  6. Caffeine is a stimulant.

    It can be a delightful part of anyone's day.

    I am not sure where you live but try it with sugar or sugar substitute and cream.You can even mix it half and half with hot coco.Iced coffee is also lovely.

    You can also get caffeine in cola sodas.

  7. International makes flavored coffee mixes, which would be easy for you to take to work, and just mix with hot water there.  They don't have a very strong coffee flavor, but there are chocolate, mint, cinnamon, orange flavors (and others).  They have sugar in them too, which would give you a "sugar rush".  But, consider bringing some baggies of dry-roasted nuts to work to snack on.  Protein will give you a longer energy boost, without the "crash" later on......
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