
Drinking glasses in Germany are advertised to hold 0,2 L and 0,3 L. Can you tell me what that is in ounces?

by Guest57705  |  earlier

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The L might be liter, but not sure.




  1. 1 litre = 33.8 fluid ounces.

    So 0.2L = 6.76 fl.ounces, and 0.3L = 10.14 fl.ounces.

  2. 0,2l = 6  2/3 fluid ounces

    0,3l = 10 fluid ounces

    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany


  3. yes, Priscilla is right...this is a great website. I put it under my favorites now too since i also always have trouble to convert from metric to that weird systems with the pounds and ounces etc..which I never will


  4. You can use Google, just enter "0.2 l in fl.oz." into the search line, and the conversion will be done in a second, without even another click. The l is for liter, that is correct, whereby the liter is defined as the amount of water that weighs a kilogram, whereby  this is the amount of water that exactly fits into a cube that is 10x10x10 centimeters large, and the degree Celsius temperature scale is divided into a hundred degrees, from the frrezing point of water to its boiling point, and so on. Isn't the metric scale fantastic?

    But back to the drinking glasses. The 0.2 liter ones are the smallest, mostly known from the Rhineland (Cologne, Düsseldorf); 0.3 and 0.4 are also in common use; in Bavaria, a small glass is 0.2 and a big one is 0.5 for beer, 0.4 for things like Coca Cola and such. 1.0 is also in use, that's the famous "Maßkrug" where they serve beer in at the Oktoberfest.


    0.2 l  = 200 mililiters    (=6.76 fluid ounces)

    0.3 l  = 300 mililiters    (=10.14 fluid ounces)

    1000 ml (mililiter) = 1 liter  (=33.82 fluid ounces)

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