
Drinking only seltzer <span title="water.?????????????????????????????????">water.???????????????????...</span>

by  |  earlier

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I want to stop drinking soda so now i only drink seltzer water since it has the same bubbly taste but its water its that good??




  1. It&#039;s a great idea.  Try mixing it with 100% pure juices for flavor and nutrients.

  2. it is ok to drink.  I have drunk it for years.

    Can&#039;t gain any weight; won&#039;t rot your teeth, makes it easier to burp!  How can you lose?

  3. Bless you! You are really making the right decision.  I have been drinking seltzer all my life (I am 51).  It gives you the mouth feel of soda without all that &quot;junk&quot; they put in soda. The ones with flavors are what I drink now! Most enjoyable!

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