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Is it normal to pass out after drinking hald a bottle of vodka... its only like a 500ml bottle and half a bottle of wine?





  1. yes

  2. All depends on the person....

  3. It is normal!

    If you drank it fast! Then yes you are likely to pass out!


  4. yep sure is

  5. Is it "normal" to want to?

  6. lmao!

    i did on friday (H)

    nah its not good....

    are bruised like a banana as well?

    i ******* am!

  7. i think it all depends on the mood your in.

  8. Normal is rather subjective~your height and weight play a large part in your BAL or blood alcohol level. If you are a small person, that doesn't drink much and you downed a half bottle of vodka in a short amount of time...I would say that is a "normal" reaction.

  9. Yes. That's a lot of alcohol, you should really try and ease back.

  10. 5 shots of vodka

    Half a bottle of wine.

    It depends on a lot of things,

    Your age

    Your experience drinking

    What you eat that day (and when!)

    How quick you drank it

    Its not good to mix drinks

    If you were feeling sick before (eg flu)

    If you normally drink vodka or wine

    For some people vodka just doesn't suit them. For me its a deceptive drink, I can drink it too easily with no effect until all of a sudden its 2 days later and I'm in a car heading to Belfast! Another friend of mine becomes really aggressive when he drinks it.

  11. some people can take more (or less) then others.

  12. Drink normal take max three glasses then you will never have these problems :)

  13. Yes.  That's a lot of alcohol.  Remember, vodka has a ton of alcohol in it.  

    A shot glass is 45 ml.  So half of a bottle of vodka is over 5 shots of vodka.

    Half a bottle of wine is about 2 and a half glasses.  

    That's almost 8 full drinks!  

    Some people won't pass out after that many drinks (especially if they are spread over a long period, the person has a full stomach,  he/she has a good alcohol tolerance and they weigh over 150 pounds).  But, if you drink that many drinks over a short period of time / on an empty stomach / don't have a good alcohol tolerance and weigh less than 150 pounds, there's a very good chance you'll pass out.

    Know your limits.   Alcohol poisoning can be very serious, even fatal.   You can get into all kinds of trouble you'll regret long afterward while drunk and drinking so much you pass out can lead to permanent brain damage.
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