
Drinking . . . ??

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Right i am just 16 years old,

and i was just wondering if you think that i am drinking to much at my age,

Soo i am just 16 and i hav been drunk about 10 times un these times hav not been just a little it has been rather bad but in the morning i am ok and i never seem to get hangovers or any thing like dat,

i no at my age we are just getting into life and we shud be tryin things out but do u think that i may b over doing it ??






  1. i never started drinking until i was actually legal at 18..

    it seems like yuove been drunk quite a few times for your age

    I think for being 16 its fine to go to a few parties and drink abit..but maybe tone it down alittle

    your lucky you havent gotten any hangovers though!

  2. Yes, your on the slippery slope.

    Drink is fine in moderation, but believe me in the long term your body has a nasty way of paying you back.  Sorry  to be the bearer of bad news, but I think you already know this.

  3. good thing you didn't put your name on here.

  4. Nah, that's about normal, I'd say.

    Just stay away from shorts (whiskey, vodka, etc) until you've got your 'beer legs' sorted out...

  5. I thought you were supposed to be 21years old to drink, it's part of the law, and now you're breaking it.

    And drinking is totally bad for your health.

    It damages all your vital orgins, including your brain, heart, and lungs.

    Even one sip can get you addicted to it.

    I am totally against unnecessary bad drugs.

    I only take medicine drugs when I need it, and after my Doctor says I could.

    If you keep on drinking, you're going to have a gloomy dark future. Take it from one that knows what's going to happen to you, if you don't stop  and change the path you're taking.

    P.S./EDIT: Go ahead and rate this a thumbs down, but I know health and you obviously don't. Drinking's a bad habit. Get used to doing the right thing!

  6. Yes you shouldn't be drinking at all at your age never mind that much, it will only lead to big problems in later life if you keep it up to that extreme, be careful what seems like a bit off fun now can turn into a disaster

  7. You are overdoing it, and if you continue to do so you are in danger of doing damage to your health, and to your body

  8. You haven't said how much you regularly drink - just that you've been a bit tiddly 10 or so times, so I couldn't say. I would say, though, that drinkings a tough habit to break, like smoking, so it's better not to acquire the habit.

  9. You are on the path to unhappiness at the best and Death at the worst

    The fact that you are posting this question means you are worried,

    Get a grip!

  10. deffinetly not. I'm 16 too and i know people who drink at least twice every weekend. You're fine.

  11. Yeah, you're drinking too much.  You will eventually get arrested because it is illegal to drink at age 16.  Be smart.

  12. err not at all,just keep trying harder

  13. u r learning - drink is a wonderful thing

    a word of advice from the wise......

    Be careful!

    its ok but learning when u hav had enuff is the key....

    u dont get hangovers yet but trust me  - they will come - ur body is able to absorb the alcohol a lot quicker when u r younger.

    Try setting urself a limit 4-8 cans (orwhatever) and see how u cope.

    they key is not getting so blitzed u get agressive, abusive, not in control of urself, memory loss etc

    all will lose u friends - get u in trouble with the law - get u beaten up (there'll always be someone more sober than u who can handle themselves)... in some cases all 3 !!!!

  14. you are fine. by the time i was 13 i was drinking regularly.

  15. you have a vivid imagination sonny!

  16. 16 is way to young to start drinking. the younger a person starts the more likely they will develope a drinking problem later in life.

    get a hobby.
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