
Drinking to death?

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I just buried the love of my life and have 94 bottles of booze in the basement. Any good songs to recommend?




  1. If your thinking of doing what is listed in your question, I would recommend not doing it. You need to look at your life, and evaluate what is precious and worth living for in your life. If you have children, think about what this will do to them, and your family members that love you. Just because you buried the love of your life, don't make your family bury their love of their life.  Channel what you are feeling into writing a book, volunteering for your love's favorite charity or organization( if the love had something like that close to their heart).

  2. That is sooo sad, I am so sorry for your loss.  I dont think that your loved one would want you to drink it all, You should not be alone at a time like this wither, you should have some family or riends over and celebrate the life your loved one lived and make sure to keep the memory of that loved one alive. Hvae you seen P.S. I love you? Sweetest thing, very sad but the meaning behind the movie was uplifting.

  3. 99 bottles of beer on the wall?

  4. 94 bottles of beer on the wall.

  5. If you take one down and pass it around 93 bottles of booze in the basement.

    Doesn't really rhyme, but you get the point.

  6. Almost any country album will suffice

  7. sorry , when you say nothing at all,( ronan keating) we can talk more if you want as i went through it. mail me i get back to you, take care.

  8. Sorry about your loss....

  9. not funny.  but your love wouldnt want you to do that.
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