
Drinking while breastfeeding question?

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Everything I've read says that 1 to 2 drinks a week is ok. When I do have a glass of wine I give my son bottles for the next 3 hours. What I don't understand is why does it matter how much you drink as long as you aren't breastfeeding while the alcohol is still in your system? i.e. if you go out you can only have 1 or 2 drinks even if the baby is getting a bottle instead until the alcohol is out of your system?




  1. When I drink, which is rarely, I wait 2 hours before I nurse her. Most of the time I just wait until she in bed for the night.  

  2. That 1 to 2 drinks recommendation is a very conservative number.  They don't recommend more than 2 drinks a week for non-lactating people.

    You can have a glass of wine and nurse your baby.  No need to give him a bottle.  Enjoy your wine!

  3. 1 to 2 drinks is okay to still nurse with.  

    You can drink as much as you want..... you will just have to wait a little longer for it to be metabolized out of your system before nursing again.   And you just need to be able to care for the baby.... or have a sitter until you are sober.  Although.... drinking can be dehydrating.... so be sure to keep the fluids going after a night of over indulging.

  4. a glass of wine is perfectly wont hurt the baby....he might sleep a little better, but it wont hurt him...

  5. just dont drink u have a little baby that needs u think of him before alcohol...please.

  6. I think professionals are being overly cautious when talking about how much to drink.  

    The mammary glands are good at filtering out a lot of it anyways - not all of it, but most of it.  

    So if you wait a few hours after drinking, then you'll be fine to continue breastfeeding, with no need to use a bottle or "pump and dump".

  7. Don't drink at all trust me many people I know have died an extremely painful and slow death that way.

  8. This all makes me wonder.. will you make your child an alcoholic or a sleepyhead?

    Studies show that AFTER birth a baby doesn't get drunk... I dont recommend risking drinking while pg. HOWEVER, I have yet to hear of a baby getting drunk or becoming an alcoholic after nursing. Perhaps they sleep better.... maybe not. Moderation is key.

    best of luck!

  9. Drink as much as u want just don't breast feed .

  10. You don't have to give bottles at all if it's only a drink or 2.

    If you're sober enough to drive, you're sober enough to nurse!

  11. First of all, only 2% of the alcohol you consume gets secreted through your breast milk. In order for booze to seriously affect your milk you have to be too drunk to handle the baby - which you shouldn't be doing in the first place.

    It takes 1 hour for 1 drink to leave your system. You have to refrain from breastfeeding for the same number of hours as drinks you've had. Meanwhile make sure to pump when you would normally feed your baby so it doesn't affect your milk production.

    Also keep in mind that an older baby will do a lot better with a small amount of alcohol in your breast milk than a younger one.  

  12. I've never had a problem with my daughter and I didn't pump after having a glass of wine or anything. She didn't get drowsy or anything like that. My SIL who used to breastfeed said that a lactation consultant told her that by the time the alcohol gets through your system, the baby only gets a very small amount. I don't think that 1-2 drinks rule applies if you're pumping until you think the alcohol is out of your system.

  13. Why drink alcohol/licqour in the first place?  Don't do it, until you have weaned your baby.

    BUT, Don't wean your baby, for the sole reason of, being able to drink more alcohol/licqour.

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