
Drinks like red bull?

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i absoloutly love red bull but i am lookin for another drink that people behind the counter can sell me. i am 13 and i really want to find another drink like red bull but diffrent taste. remember i cant get anything with alcahol. and can they sell kids ginger beer. lol i was just wondern . pls answer x and remember always SMILE =]




  1. Red Bull, Venom, Adrenaline Rush, 180, ISO Sprint, and Whoopass

  2. Relentless was pretty cheap last time I checked, not sure about the taste because they all taste horrible to me! tesco does kick that really cheap aswell but tastes pretty much the same, i think lucazade do one now and iron bru and theres that V on I think.

  3. Monster is an energy drink like red bull..And if you want to know if you can buy or drink ginger beer, try ordering it and find out..LOL

  4. Root Beer, Birch Beer, Ginger Beer, and Ginger Ale do not have alcohol in them. Anybody of any age can buy these.

    Other types of energy drinks? There are a bunch of them now a days. The top two selling are Red Bull and XS Energy. Others include Monster, Rockstar, Amp, Sobe Adrenaline Rush, Full Throttle, and on and on.

    As far as regular sodas that provide energy like an energy drink does there is the old standard Mountain Dew which people drank for energy years before energy drinks came to the US. Now they have like 6 flavors. You can also get Vault and Jolt cola which are technically sodas but act more like energy drinks.

  5. Monster, Rockstar, Amp, Full Throtle, Boo Koo, and a lot more that i forgot! but you should try rockstars they are really good! :)

  6. SHARK

  7. Jone's makes an energy drink....and it's actually very tasty...

  8. Theres irn bru 32 (u can definitely get this coz i did andi am 13), lucosade, powerade n suger x.

  9. Tescos do a their own brand called 'kick'.

    Sainsburys do one called 'blue bolt'.

    And i think Asda do their own energy drink to.

    There's also red rooster, just take a look round the supermarkets and see what you can find.

    Hope this helps.

  10. energy,rush and jolt but I'd stick to red bull the stuff that tastes like red bull is just the what was left over in the bottom of the vat where it was made. basically the **** that wasn't good enough for red bull

  11. Monsters YUM

  12. theres burn, its like redbull also theres a new one out called relentless its twice the size of redbull so twice the caffine aswell.
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