
Drive: 1.0 mi – about 3 mins,------------walk?

by  |  earlier

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i know about the drive, but what about the walk, there is a yard sale i have to make, i have to be there by 7:30 am, and i also need to know when to get up so i can walk there in time.




  1. Depending on how fast you walk possible 20 minutes

  2. Factor is how fast you walk.  Walk 1 mph and it would take you an hour.  Walk 2 mph and it would take you 1/2 an hour. Walk 3 mph and it would take you 20 mins.....and so on....this is for 1 mile.  If you have to walk more than one mile then multiply.

  3. A fast walking pace for most is about 3 mph.    So allow yourself 30 minutes,   20 minutes for the walk,  and 10 minutes to stop and talk to the widow that grows those awesome roses that you have seen,  but never stopped to enjoy because it wasn't worth stopping the car.    Most likely,   you will also hear and enjoy the birds,  and chuckle at the toddler in that one yard who was trying to dress the cat.

    Enjoy your walk.

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