
Drive without Insurance?

by Guest32916  |  earlier

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I am 19 yrs old. i have searched everywhere and i mean EVERYWHERE for cheap auto insurance. but the lowest i find is like 320 to 340. thats more than my car payment!! i know its wrong and illegal to drive without insurance but what else can i do. i need my car for work and school. and im still making payments. someone please help.




  1. yes you should drive with insureance. and maybe you could work it off with working for your parents or any way you could raise money

  2. You get into an accident and their goes your license for good long time. Not to mention SR22 rates= even more than your paying now. I suggest buy a beater in CASH, and do liabilty only. You'll save a ton that way. I drive a 96 car and it is 47 dollars a month for state min. and no collision.

    Happy motoring!

  3. Save yer self allot of hassels with the law. get some type of insurance coverage, even if ti is only PIP ( personal I njury Protection)

  4. In some states, you cannot drive without insurance.  I live in Virginia and they require you to at least have insurance that pays for the other person in the accident.  It's easy to get caught.  Cops on the road constantly check license plates and if they see you have no insurance, they will pull you over.  If you have no insurance, if you crash, you'll end up broke from the medical bills (I think that if you're in a crash you need a certain insurance for medical bills) and car repairs (or new car).

  5. Get the insurance.  In most states it is a serious offense to get caught without it.  Where I live in NJ, if you get stopped and don't have insurance they could take your car from you right then and there.  So I think it's better to be safe than sorry.

  6. you should ask your parents to cosign on an insurance plan it will actually cost less in total and even more so if you both agree to pick up some payments. i'd pay more though to be polite.

  7. You should park the car until you can afford insurance for it.  As my Father used to say, "Walking ain't crowded".

  8. For car insurance the quickest method to get a free quote is do a auto policy comparison. Be sure to choose the same coverage amounts, you can get an quick quote to compare against others. Use the same zipcode, auto make and model, mileage and driving history to make sure you get accurate comparison. To get easy auto insurance quotes, go to and you can compare all the major auto insurance companies.

  9. YOu need to have insurance. Even if it is expensive, it might save you lots of money. Lets say you get into an accident and it's your fault? You would be in a lot of trouble.

    keep searching and searching. Geico, allstate, progressive, statefarm, liberty mutual, etc.

  10. just get PL PD

    hey at least its insurance, if u get into a wreck with none, then nothing covers it as well.

  11. Not an option  I have car insurance, car note car registration and i still have to catch the bus because gas is so high.  Its the breaks  Ok economy I remember when we didn't have to have a license to drive it was a option.  Today it is a privilege to drive

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