
Driver's practical exam!!?

by  |  earlier

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My practical driver's exam is on monday and though I know I'm prepared, I jus need some more tips on how to stay calm, what to expect and the overall flow of the exam. Any tips? Any advice??




  1. Don't worry about it. If you fail, so what? Re-take it. Big deal. You may think I sound a little harsh, but it's the only way to not freak out. In the grand scheme of things is astonishingly unimportant. Plus, if it was that difficult, so many people wouldn't be driving.

    You'll be fine.

    Good Luck

  2. You Just Drive Like Normal... They Tell You To Make a Turn Here or There... And They Write Down How Easily You Make a Turn, Stop, and Shift Lanes.

    You Also Have To Parallel Park Once....

    Just Be Yourself, and Relax.

  3. Just do it...

  4. Drink some Red Bull for energy, plus it would be a good think to drive in your parents car(if insured) a day or just before the test, so you are slightly more confident

  5. chew gum..

    when your concentrating on chewing it will take your mind off things a bit.

    good luck

  6. yes.....and im not being off-hand here,go into it as though youve already failed,this way you combat youre nerves,and get more relaxed. sounds odd,i know,but it worked for me on my test,my psv test,and also works tremendously well in job interviews. i think if you strife for something too much,youre destined to fail,however if you go with a what will be will be attitude,things have a weird way of working for the better.

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