
Driver lies. HELP I only had my PERMIT

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My friend called me and said i had to pick him up and it was a emergency and he kept calling so i finally went down there and got him and when i was about to drop him off i stopped at a stop sign and i went and a cop pulled me over and said i cut him off and he gave me a ticket. My Question is since this happened do i have to wait till im 21 to get my Lies.? I live in Crestview, Florida




  1. There is no emergency that should cause you to break the law, like drive irresponsibly without a licensed driver in the vehicle with you.  You should have told your friend NO, or I'm sure there was someone else he could have called.  You may very well have to wait until 21 to get your license.  What tickets did you receive?  One for not following requirements for your license?  One for changing lanes when not safe to do so?  (That would be the cutting him off ticket).  If you can't follow the rules now, what would make anyone think you could follow them once you have your real license?  The judge in your court case will ultimately decide what your full punishment will be.

  2. You may be screwed.

  3. Whoops.. guess you should have found a liscensed driver to come along. Enjoy waiting forever to get your liscense. Not lies.. it is abbreviated LIC.

    And now you are going to try to get you lics at the dmv. Thats nice.

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