
Drivers Ed? telling us the wrong thing?

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I am going or being forced to go to a drivers ed course at AAA in order to get my licence. Apart from wasting 5 hours of my Saturday, I am really upset. The guy who is teaching the wrong stuff!

This question AND answer blew my mind:

You are driving on a two lane highway. You come up to a child riding his bycicle on your right and a massive semi on your left. there is no room for all three of you. What do you do?

I dont even know the right answer to this one. My teacher said to save the kid's life and to SIDESWIPE the truck! Now lets think about this. Instead of slowing down behind the biker and waiting for the truck to pass, he suggests that I put my life and the trucker's in danger and to ram into him basically head on! What do you think?




  1. Well if there must be an answer to the question, you would apply the breaks and go behind the kid on the bike, causing no accident.  And if the driver ed. instuctor did not tell you that than you should report him and make sure he is dealt with.  It sounds like he needs to sideswipe a semi himself to knock some sense in to him.  Anyway...Good Luck!

  2. Use this as a point of discussion and ask him to clarify his question.

    Perhaps you misunderstood.....

    Or perhaps he's just throwing random situations out at you to make you think.

    When you are out on the roads operating a vehicle, anything can happen at any time.

    I've been teaching driver education for 36 years, and although I have never had a crash or a loss of control, there have been a lot of close calls over the 4,000,000 miles I have covered either behind the wheel or in the Instructor's seat......

    Bottom line......THINK AND DRIVE !!!

  3. Ok, we all agree that he's trying to trick you...Ask the instructor to quote chapter and verse from the driver's handbook about this situation as you can't seem to find it...Just take a deep breath and focus on what you have to do...As long as you know what the rules are and you know how to handle your vehicle, you will be just fine.

    (By the way, your solution to the question is the one I would have used, too)

    All the best

  4. Take his name and number, he has to have a reg. number and turn him into the RMV or the local police. He or she has a s***w loose somewhere.

  5. first of all it's a trick question,  as a driver you should always look ahead of your vehicle and not be in the situation, however, the only answer is avoid hitting the bicyclist no matter what and after that;  brake hard!  no brainer.. can't go left, can't go right?  stop!  get it?

  6. I agree with getting rid of him.  Report him to whatever level it takes.

  7. i think the guy is nuts.  i'd go to AAA and say they guy who is teaching you may as well have gotten HIS drivers licence out of a vending machine, and make sure he is fired.

  8. I would call the drivers ed company and ask someone important about that !

    or sit there and do nothing...

  9. I have come across this "question" before.... and it's to see how you would react.  The idea behind this whole scenerio is to see if you are being a defensive driver and looking far enough ahead of you to avoid this situation entirely.  

    If you saw the kid on the bicycle on your shoulder, and the truck coming at you, wouldn't you slow down so as to remove yourself from the situation?  That's what they are looking for.  The solution to the problem is to alter the situation so it doesn't come down to "hit the kid" or "hit the truck".  You have the outcome in your control, so  you change things so it doesn't happen.  

    Granted, this instructor is giving you a set group of options... it's your "job" to look outside the "box" and change things.  

    If he doesn't like your answer.... tough... you will have solved his problem without anyone getting hurt.  I don't know about you, but the last thing I ever want to do is hit a truck head-on.  On that point, your instructor is a fool.  

    Good luck

  10. Your right, slow down and the instructor is crazy.

  11. lol id ask why there is a child on the side of a two lane high way lol where is that kids parents. i dont know i live in a small town maybe things are diff in a city

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