
Drivers test question - Getting insurance before taking the drivers test is required. where is the cheapest?

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I am 18 years old (turning 19 next week) and I am ready to take my drivers license. But before taking my driving test, It is required that I have insurance for my car (my dads car). So, I was wondering - where can I get the cheapest car insurance in California? I did check on Geico, but their alittle too expensive.

PS: my permit expired by July 19th, so I have to hurry.

So please, help me out! even the slightest information can be very helpful!





  1. If this is your dad's car shouldn't he have insurance on it already? If he does you can be put on his plan cheaper than you can get on your own. The insurance will not be cheap for you until you are 25.

  2. There are webisites that compare insurance company prices, just google it. Remember that cheap insurance is good, but this is your car and health we're talking about. Paying more for a better company will save your *** if you get in an accident. Some bad companies are E-Surance and Mercury, the best are Hartford, Safe-Co, and State Farm.

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