
Driving Directions From Airport in Buenos Aires, Argentina to Street?

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Where can I find a website like "Yahoo Maps" or "Mapquest" that provides directions and a good detailed map of Buenos Aires, Argentina?

I will be driving by taxi from the airport to a street that I think is called "Callao 1293" (although I am not sure about the street).

I want to know ahead of time what I should expect so I don't end up lost or taken somewhere else.





    Callao is a major street the runs near the center of Buenos Aires.

    Ezieza, the name of the airport, is actually located in the Greater Buenos Aires region.....the trip will probably take 45min to an 1hr.....

    There are also private Taxi called REMISE that you can hire if you don't want to take a regular taxi....may cost you more....

    I had to take a Remise because I arrived at 3am!  LOL.....At those hours is the way to go. There is a place to change your money at the your taxi fare...

    Once in the city, I just used Citibank being that I am not charged any commission or fees due that I have an account with them.

    Have Fun!

  2. From the Ezeiza (actually Ministro Pistarini) airport you will travel East through the "Autopista Ricchieri" all the way, after connecting (seamless) with A-1 (or Autopista 25 de Mayo) up-to the exit "Sarandi"  then will take on "Avenida Entre Rios" that continues in "Callao" (changing names in "Congreso" or Congress/Parliament=large french style building on your  left)

    After this only 12 blocks more up-to pass "Santa Fe Avenue"

    Every block in Buenos Aires y about 100meters or yards! And is a perfect square all around!

    Take, as said before a taxi/remise at the booths after Customs and before the main hall/lobby. It will cost you about Pesos 75/80 or USD25/30!

    USD1.00=Pesos 3.00 (about)

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